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"Never want to be used of Your love just to lose it afterwards "

-His endearment

Kairav,s  pov

they made me want to kiss them......
Wait!!! What??? WTF I,m thinking about

"You are drooling bro" Abhinav pointed out nonchalantly

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Abhinav who was smirking while Rayan was controlling his laugh. I felt embarrassed but still look back at Aarohi who were peering three of us only to make her look more cute.

I cleared my throat and said "You are eating alone"

"I want to eat alone and don't have any friends anyways" Aarohi asserted shrugging off

I raised my eyebrow "You've me I,m going  to eat with you"

Aarohi rolled her eyes saying "I like peace"

"And he likes to interrupt it" Rayan commented laughing his ass off.

I gave him a glare but he didn't had intend to stop "Well since I,m your friend, I won't tolerate to see my friend eating all alone".

Aarohi sighed "So you are not going to leave me alone"

I grinned saying "Never in this life princess"
Aarohi,s stomach flipped by hearing that sweat nickname from his mouth Oh she always cringed by them but God knows why it sound so heavenly coming from this muscle bunny.

She replied avoiding his eyes "Do as you wish"

Kairav grinned profoundly and took seat beside Aarohi following by Abhinav and Rayan who were silently enjoying the drama.

Aarohi noticed the stares the students were giving them not like she cares.She knows that it's because of these three popular guys sitting with her.

But literally everyone is cafeteria was either staring or glancing at them.She tried to shrug her uneasiness but it was hard to do so under so many gaze.

Kairav saw Aarohi glancing towards other students and he realized she was feeling uncomfortable because of them.

So he stood up from the chair at once and glare at the group of students making them look away fearing to get in trouble which was enough to make rest of the students to know not to mess up eventually everyone started minding their own business.

Aarohi,s pov

I saw how Kairav made everyone to look away. I know I,m good at hiding my emotions so I will never feel exposed but he somehow always see through me and it's kinda scary and heart warming at the same time.

It makes me feel that it's not a bad idea to have someone who always be there for you but the shadows of past always crash my hopes before they even rise.

"YAH!!! Why are you stood like this??" Rayan exclaimed

"Umm...Nothing just want to adjust the chair a little bit?" Kairav made excuse taking his seat back

Rayan said with scoff "Like I would buy this"

Kairav gave him tight lip smile "I don't even care What you think "

"WAH !!! Look at this brat!! You-You- You know what your friend needs to learn how to cop up with your braty behavior" Rayan exaggerated
Kairav shrugged and look at Aarohi "My new friend doesn't need to take your advice "

"If you guys are done bickering let's order something and let's introduce each other to her" Abhinav who was silently observing their exchange of words finally added

"Hey beautiful I,m cute , sexy , Handsome Rayan " Rayan exchanged playful flirty words with Aarohi

" And nickname shorty" Kairav interjected

Rayan glared at Kairav who glared back to his friend for being flirty

"I,m Abhinav but You can call me Abhi also if you find my name long to spell. Me and Rayan is in third year" Abhinav introduced himself

"Umm....I,m Aarohi Batra.....that's all" Aarohi gave a precise introduction making awkward silence prevailing the environment

Kairav cleared his throat " I,m ordering Sandwich and pizza for all of us. Aarohi do you need anything?"

"Well I don't need anything" Aarohi denied having anything

And Kairav left to get the food . Rayan and Abhinav started discussing  about something ( Specifically whispering so Aarohi wasn't able to hear)

Aarohi,s pov:

I was looking around when I spotted a group of girls actually more specifically the oreo shake they were drinking.

I've sweet tooth even though I never said it loud but Sweets is the only thing which I eat mostly even when I,m top of my emotions but let it be I can't enjoy it now with these guys sitting with me.I sighed internally.

"Hey I,m back!!! Here is your Rayan and here is yours Abhinav." Kairav came back

"Ahhhh I,m soo hungry .As always this pizza looks delicious". Abhinav exclaimed taking hold of pizza plate.

They started devouring food while Rayan unwrapped his sandwich and even Kairav was finishing his pizza

I was looking at my book whole time when I saw a Oreo shake sliding towards me????What a Oreo shake? When I look at hand, it was Kairav,s tattoo hand who was smiling at me.

Kairav scratched his neck "Sorry I ordered oreo shake But Now I,m full so this shake will go waste you can have it"

" I don- " I was about to refuse but he cut me off beforeI could

"Guys let's go we have practice hurry up!!! C'mon!!!" Kairav exclaimed

Before I could say anything they stood up and exist the cafeteria pretty quickly. Wow, they ate in a blink of eye.

" Ughhhh, what he think of me? Do I look like some recycle bin*huff*; Maybe this shake is on my fate. LOL who cares now I can enjoy my oreo shake. Thank God. " I said to myself being happy from inside

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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