Chapter 6

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[Name] had continued eating while she talked to Donatello, offering him one of the foods she brought up to the roof top, "Ever tried one of these? " She asked, gesturing to the ice cream sandwich she gave Donatello.

"Uh.. No, this is my first time. " The turtle said as he looked down to the wrapped up cold treat, peeling off the paper wrap to take a look before taking a bite, his eyes widening at the cold but delicious taste of the ice cream treat.

[Name] giggled at his reaction, finding it quite cute as she stared at him eating, "I can get you other stuff you've never gotten the chance to eat, given your physical appearance it must've been quite difficult. " [Name] said.

"You're not scared? " Donnie asked in confusion, no human's warmed up this fast towards him, "Uh.. I think I still am? But you seem nice though. So, I'm placing my trust on you that you don't hurt me or anything. " [Name] smiled, popping the last of the ice cream sandwich in her mouth and crumbling the paper in her hands.

"Though, it sounds very naive of me to do so, trusting a stranger I mean. " [Name] said, her voice muffled because of the food inside her mouth.

"I'm honored that you trust me. " Donnie smiled back at her the two remaining that way, "So... Do you have any family or are you all alone? " [Name] asked out of curiosity.

"Yes, I do have family actually. We live in the sewers together. " Donnie said with a fond voice.

"That's nice. You guys must have a nice life living together. " [Name] said, turning her head to face Donnie, and for the first time, Donnie finally got to see [Name]'s features up close and clearer, her eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, everything, he could see everything of her.

She was not beautiful to the point it was overwhelming neither was she ugly, she was there in the middle, though, Donnie still did find the girl attractive, way more when she has a smile on her face.

He's only felt like this towards April, but ever since he and April came to terms they liked each other platonically, he grew closer and more comfortable with her.

But with [Name], it sort of feels different, must be only because she's the only other girl he's ever met aside from April.

"So, what do you do aside from parkour? " [Name]'s voice brought him out of his thoughts as he turned to her pulling out two cans of sodas out of a portable cooler.

Donnie was curious on how much food she brought out here.

"My brother's not here, so I decided to get tons of snacks to restock my snack bin inside my room. "

She handed one of them to him and opened hers, the small 'clink' of the can being opened heard.

"Well, it's not Parkour, it's matter of fact patrolling, me and my brothers are keeping an eye out to keep this city safe from the shadows. " Donnie explained, [Name] only nodded, not needing any further explanation as to why they protect the city from the shadows, given their physical form, it would be risky to get caught while being out in broad daylight.

When [Name] was about to speak again, a 'ping' had caught both of their attentions, Donnie smiled at her and brought out his T-phone, a text from Leo asking where he was.

"That's Leo, my brother, I better head home. " Donnie said, putting away his T-phone.

"Okay.. Wait, how many brothers do you have? "


"Okay.. Wait a second let me give you something. " [Name] said, pulling open the trap door and rushing down the ladder, it was left open so Donnie could take a small peak into her room, seeing how it was your typical teen bedroom, posters and pictures hanging on the wall, painted walls, a bed and many miscalaneous items scattered on about.

He only took a step back when [Name] back with 4 more ice creams in hand and went to put them in the portable cooler.

"For your brothers and an extra one. " She said, handing him the red cooler.

"Thank you.. I can give the extra one to Master Splinter. "

"Well, I hope they enjoy them. You can always drop on by if you ever want, I can also give you tons of food! Food's the best. " [Name] said with a smile.

With that, they bid each other a goodbye.

❦753 words (edited)
❦I will literally not condone April slander in the comments.

Edit: Merry Christmas guysss!! I hope you have a great time during the holidays!

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