Chapter 10

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[Name] had found herself cherishing the time she has spent with Donnie, although she had promised that she'd come by the lair after exams, she found it quite soon to be meeting his family.

So they often met up at her roof, "So I'm not the only human you know?" [Name] asked, taking a sip from her root beer can after. "Yeah, We actually know these two humans April and Casey, I'm pretty sure I have a few pictures of April in my t-phone.." Donnie had started to look through the pictures he had in his t-phone.

From where [Name] stood, she could see a few pictures of miscellaneous things and green silhouettes, to which she can guess are his brothers, before he settled on a picture of a girl with red hair and blue eyes.

"This is April." He says, showing the girl the picture, it had looked like a stolen picture, "Any of this..Casey?" [Name] asked, lifting up her head to stare into Donnie's eyes.


For some reason when [Name] stared into my eyes, I could feel the intensity in her gaze, and for some reason I could feel myself heating up at the way her eyes stared into mine. But it must've been the weather getting to me.. I thought to myself, brushing off the clammy feeling I had in my hands.

"None of Casey, April has been a friend of ours far longer than him,and we both don't get along with each other.." I said, remembering the clear reason why we didn't get along with each other. I heard [Name] hum as she took another sip of root beer.

"She must've been important to you. Considering the amount of pictures you have..You must like her or she's really that close of a friend to you turtles." [Name] had answered, she must have some sort of sixth sense or she's really has good deduction skills. Must be because she's had been surrounded with other people.

"'re right about both.." I embarassingly admit, rubbing the back of my neck as I rub the rim of my cola can with my finger, I could hear her chuckle weirdly as she let out a small 'Knew it!' under her breath, "What made you stop having feelings?" she quickly asked next.

"Aside from me deciding that my feelings are all platonic, there's no way that I'd end up with April, I mean, have you seen me?" [Name] nodded in understanding, even she agreed that I wouldn't have stood a chance..

"But I do have to disagree..." [Name] sighed as she stretched her arms over her head, hearing her bones pop, she sighed in relief, turning around to settle down onto the hammock that she had kept out here, I followed her every move with my eyes, her hand ushering me to approach her and sit next to the spot next to her.

Reluctantly, I follow. The two of us being forced to be close to each other, my side pressing against hers, she leaned back and settled her head onto my shoulder, "Wait, Are you okay with this?" She quickly asked, lifting her head off of my shoulder, although flustered at how close she was I had managed to utter a small response, "Yeah.." she nodded and placed her head on top of my shoulder.

Is this what all friends do? It must be if she's so comfortable... "Okay..picking up where we left off, I don't think you needed to give up on your feelings for April just because you had slim chances of being with her, frankly, I think you can be quite charming, despite your looks." She says.

With how close she was, I could see her face closely from the corner of my peripheral vision, the shape and curve of her nose, her eyelashes, her lips, everything.

Again, she's the second girl I've been close to in life, and I feel that I don't need to be as nervous around her as I was with April. It must be because I have not fallen for her?

"You really think so?" I ask, my hands were busy holding onto the can of soda, it was the only thing that kept me from focusing, "I know so," she answered me confidently, "I don't need to know you for too long to say that, although I was scared of you guys at first...I came to look past it.." she answered me honestly.

"You're really honest, you know that?" I told her, she hummed, her feet swaying as it was off of the floor due to us sitting in the hammock, "Rather hurt people with the truth than with a bunch of lies." she says quietly, "Though I always warn people first! Some people can't handle the truth properly." she quickly added, I chuckle, she can be quite cute, she had this charm to her, with how she treats me like she would treat's like I'm not some giant mutant ninja turtle.

"I am enjoying my time with you quite alot." I admit, from my position, I could see [Name]'s lips form into a small smile, "I appreciate hearing that."


It had been about a week, a week since Donatello and [Name]'s hang out on her roof, and today, the turtles were out in a new Kraang location, they had managed to find a room, for this particular location, there was a mix of humans and Kraang, which had already been odd within itself, the room they had managed to find refuge in was a room where they kept files, paper files.

Donatello had went through so many pages, taking the ones he thought would benefit his research as he went through several boxes, with his brothers on standby, when he stopped at a particular box, it had many folders, but it clearly had experiments that the Kraang did with (most likely) the employees family members.

But Donnie had halted when he spotted a familiar name etched on the front of the folder, he had stopped his searching and stood up, flipping it open to see pages upon pages of observation and pictures of a young [Name].

"Donnie? What you got there?" Mikey had asked, peaking over Donnie's shoulder as he got curious as to why Donnie suddenly stopped searching, "Yo! That's sick!" Mikey cringed as he looked at the picture, it was of a young girls back, with black lines spreading across it, there was more pictures but Donnie had quickly closed it.

"I think all of this would be enough, the place would be swarming with kraang if we stay for too long." Donnie says, packing up the folder and droping it into a box along with the other files he took.


❦1137 words
❦Literally one of my longer chapters cause I got inspired


I literally have 4 more chapters and you guys are all caught up with me

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