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Loud disco music is playing, as we find ourselves in a downtown London penthouse.
There are 4 girls having a home party together, to celebrate their University graduation: Nikki, and 3 of her friends: Jennifer, Quinn, and Jill. 5 years have passed since the London Scream attacks.
Nikki was the only one who stayed in London, and she managed to move past her traumas. She met the 3 girls a few months after the other survivors left the city behind, and they became friends quickly. Quinn is a very straightforward girl who’s confident in her sexuality and constantly dates guys every other day. Jennifer is the big-mouth type, she’s not intimidated by anyone, meanwhile Jill is the stereotypically silent and shy person but if it comes to defending herself she’s quite fearless. They’re talking about what they’re gonna do, when Nikki’s phone rings.
She picks it up, and it’s the pizza guy saying that he arrived with the pizza they ordered. Nikki sends Jill out to pay and pick it up. They are on the 7th floor of a bigger luxury building, it’s Quinn’s house.
Her family is quite rich, so it makes sense that they’ll throw a huge party in her penthouse just in the center of the busy London. They’re chit chatting, when Nikki’s phone breaks the conversation again. She picks it up, telling the pizza guy intstructions about how to come up to their floor. However, it’s someone else’s voice that starts speaking into the phone.
It’s Bobby’s, who died 5 years ago. Nikki at first thinks it’s a prank, however it quickly turns out it’s not.

„Did You miss me?” Says the person using Bobby’s voice.

„Gi-G…” Nikki tries to say her name in panick.
„Let me help You. Gisele… Yes, it’s me sweetie. Did You think i won’t finish what i started?” Says Ghostface.

„I came to realize, we’ve never spoken on the phone. This was long overdue. So tell me, What’s Your favourite Scary Movie?”

„It’s--- uhm. I don’t know. Halloween, probably. What do You want from me?” Answers Nikki. „You know what i want. I want to finish what i started 5 years ago.” answers the killer.

The others are looking at Nikki and trying to guess what’s going on. She hangs up the phone and tells them to hide in a room. She’s yelling for Jill too but there’s no answer. They make their way towards the room, when Jill finally walks back. Everyone is happy to see her, before they notice a knife in her chest and blood pouring out of her mouth. She’s holding onto the wall and is trying to walk away, but Ghostface appears behind her, quickly pulls out the knife, and stabs her a bit higher, towards her throat multiple times, before dropping her body to the ground.

The 3 girls are standing in shock. Ghostface takes off her mask, and it’s Gisele. She’s here, again.

„Hiii there, besties. Time to slay, don’t You think?” She says with a pschyo grim.

She starts rushing towards the trio, ending up grabbing Jennifer, and slitting her throat. Then Nikki and Quinn finally make it into their room, closing the door.
Gisele is trying to kick it open. They’re thinking of a way of getting out. The only escape they see is climbing out of the window to get into their neighbors apartment to ask for help, as they left their phone in the other room. Quinn is panicking because she’s afraid of heights, but Nikki tells her that there’s literally no other way out, and if they stay here then they’re guranteed to die. After some panicking Quinn agrees, and they start climbing out the window, onto the side of the building.
Nikki made it out safe and started slowly walking on the edge, 7 floors high. Quinn makes her way out there too, just when Gisele managed to kick open the door. The duo speed up. Jill safely managed to get to their neighbor’s window, however Quinn is going slower. Nikki has a shocked face.

„What?” the other girl asks.

„Quinn, You need to hurry up!” Shouts Nikki.

Quinn looks behind her, and notices Gisele, with her mask back on climbing towards her.

„I-I’m trying, i swear!!!” shouts back Quinn, almost crying, trying to speed her actions up.

As she’s making her way towards Nikki, a part of the edge she’s on breaks under her legs, and she almost falls down, but thankfully manages to grab onto the building. There’s a big gap between her and her friend.

„You’re gonna have to jump” Tells her Nikki.

„I- Holy fuck. No-I… I can’t.” Answers Quinn.

Gisele, is making her way towards Quinn. She’s trying to prepare herself for jumping, but she’s way too afraid both of the height she’s on and the distance she has to jump. Nikki is trying to comfort her:

„You can do it! Trust me, don’t think, just do it!”

Quinn is breaking down, she’s crying and panicking. She tries to reach her hand out towards her friend, and prepare for jumping, and Nikki also holds out her hand. Gisele is getting closer and closer. Their hands are about to reach eachother, when Quinn gets grabbed by Ghostface, she pulls her back with her hair, and throws her down from the side of the building. Quinn is falling to her death as she’s screaming, before her head hits a street lamp, breaking her neck, then she falls onto the top of a car, and drops down onto the road, like a ragdoll, completely smashing in her skull and breaking almost all of her bones. Nikki is shouting after her, and crying. Then they look at eachother with Ghostface.

„Fucker!” she screams crying, from the top of her lungs, then she starts knocking on her neighbors window.

Ghostface, in the meantime, manages to make the jump trough the gap. Nikki is still trying to knock on the window, and starts breaking it in. She succesfully does, and climbs into the dark room. It appears the neighbors aren’t home. Ghosface goes after her. It’s so dark they can barely see.
There’s a hide and seek going on. Ghostface is walking around with her knife, meanwhile Nikki is hiding behind a sofa.
She decides to slowly start making her way towards the exit door hoping to open it, however the killer spots her. She starts chasing the girl, but she gets to the door in time.
However, it’s locked. Gisele grabs her by her hair, pulls her back, and stabs her in the stomach, but in a way so she’ll survive.

„Your only luck is that i need You alive” She says, as she pulls out the knife, and knocks her out with a strong hit to the head.

„But now we’re even.” Gisele picks up the knocked out Nikki, and starts carrying her away, into the darkness.

As they slowly dissapear, the logo appears showcasing the title: „Scream Again: The Sequel”

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