Chapter V

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Welcome to the Act III

„Thank You for coming to my rescue, You just made our job easier.” Says Nikki, as she twists the knife even more into Dav.
„Surprised, aren’t You?” She says calmly as she pulls out the knife.

Jack quickly stands up and rushes to her and pushes the killer into a wall. Brendan is still in shock. Gisele and Laura are having a hand 2 hand fight, but Laura ends up dropping a vase into her head, so Gisele falls. The other girl runs to grab a pistol in the meantime, and points it towards Gisele. Nikki manages to punch Jack multiple times, and then kicks his face into a wall, knocking him down. The three killers all stand next to eachother, in front of the victims laying on the ground and Gisele.

„The big reveal! Well? You surely didn’t even suspect there are other killers, right?!” Shouts Nikki with excitement.

„Nikki? How-”” Asks Gisele.

„Oohh sweetie… How? HOW?! HOW THE FUCK NOT!!! You thought You’re the only one who can pick up a mask and stab people?!” She laughs.
„Your kidnapping messed our plans up quite a bit. I admit it was creative and unexpected. Holding me hostage to lure the others into one place? Cunning. But we managed to still make it work. Though, none of You were supposed to be alive by now except You Gisele, buuut…    

„What’s the reason? Did the 3 of You just wanted to have fun and kill people?” The original Ghostface asks.

„NO GISELE, WE are not like You. We don’t kill people for fun. We have a reason. Laura, You wanna start?”

„Sure.” she says with a smile and walks up to Dav.

„All of You, especially YOU, Gisele, took my brother away from me. We were always close, we always talked, and had fun. But since London… Everything changed. The traumas… The suffering… Sacrificing everything, He joined the FBI to hunt You down. After that I completely lost him… We barely talked, we barely met again… After a while, I found out about Nikki and her plan to kill You. We knew we’ll be a good team, but we needed a third person.” She explains.

„Yep, and that’s me” Tells them Zayn. „After the London incident, everyone talked about us. The whole media hyped all of us up. We were the biggest names. The New York Times, BBC, EVERYONE wrote about us all. But after a few weeks, they all just forgot about us. We were nothing more than a bunch of names NOBODY cares about to them. They dropped us like a trashbag. When the two girls contacted me, I immediatly saw the opportunity for a good story. Just think about it. A pschyo killer comes back to finish what she started, but eventually the victims overcome her.”

„Indeed. It’s a win win for all of us.” Nikki adds.

„What’s in it for You?” Gisele asks.

„What’s in it for me? Getting to kill You. It worths more than a thousand gold bars. You ruined my whole life. After the attacks 5 years ago, I really wanted to find You to take You down. I started looking around, digging up info about You to find out where You could be hiding and then give an anonymus tip to the police. But… I found something much worse… It turned out that You and I… Well. We are sisters… After this, I knew the police, FBI or whoever the fuck is involved won’t worth shit. Years have passed, and nothing, not even a mention about You. I knew I have to do it myself. Laura and Zayn both had reasons to help me out. If I’m honest, You luring everyone into the same place was quite useful to us. We can kill off You all together.” Nikki explains.

„Us… Si- Sisters?” Gisele asks back shocked and speechless.

„Yes, You little slut. WE are half-sisters.”

„We didn’t think Dav will trust You enough to bring You here. It was unexpected and honestly dissapointing… But. Don’t You see it? ALL OF US have a reason to hate You. YOU are the true villain, Gisele. Everything You’ve done has led to this point. Die now, sister” Nikki says. „Kill her.” She tells Laura.

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