Chapter IV

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„Turn around and put Your hands on Your head” Commands the Agent.

„Are You for fucking real?” The killer asks back.

Gisele is bleeding from her stab wound.

„How do I know this isn’t You playing games?” Dav asks

„You think i’d fucking get myself stabbed just to convince You I’m not with them? Grow some brain, deadass.”

„You already did it once.”

„Yeah, when i needed to be the victim and solo survivor. Now basically the whole world knows me as a serial killer. There’s no point in faking being attacked.”

Dav starts handcuffing Gisele, but she breaks out, and starts fighting with the FBI Agent. When she’s about to gain the upper hand, he breaks out and runs for his pistol, with Gisele doing the same. They pick it up at the same time and aim it at eachother.

„So what now? Are we gonna count to 3 then we all die?” She asks.

„Drop Your gun. NOW!” He answers.

„Listen. I know You really want to take me down, but I think You should focus on these two cunts. They’re a far bigger danger.”

„Yeah, and should I let You go? Hah. Never… SO DROP IT!”

„I’m just nicely gonna walk away, find out who these idiots are, and take them down. This is a win-win. I’m the only one who can actually go up against them. Sorry but You and Your friends are incapable of taking me down alone, how do You want to catch two pschyos?!”

„Gisele, there’s literally no way for me to let You get away.”

„Then I’m gonna have to kill You, Dav. Look, I’m willing to put aside my revenge towards You guys in order to find these two fuckers, but if You can’t do the same, this ends here and now”

„What? Are You offering me to… work together with You?”

„No, no way in hell, dumbass. I’m just saying that these 2 new guys are a bigger threat than me and You don’t realise that. They’re targeting me too, not just You. We’re all victims. They already killed two of You, and attacked me too. They’re probably lurking around here right now, So I won’t rest until i put them both in the ground.”

Dav is hesitating what to do. He eventually lowers his pistol, after this Gisele does the same.

„Good.” She says.
„So now. Let’s talk it trough. Who could they be?”

„I don’t know… „ He answers.

„Okay. Well first of all, they’re certainly from Your friend circle. I need to know everyone who’s here.”

„Me, my sister, Zayn, Jack, and this new guy called Brendan. The one who just ran away.”

„I see. How long have You knew Brendan?”

„Uhhh. Since today morning.”

„Wow, that’s real convincing. Do a background check. Let’s see if he’s clean or not.”

„O-Okay.” He says.

„There are two of them. What could their motives be?” She wonders. „Maybe they succumbed to their traumas and went nuts after London?”

„No idea. But let’s get away from here.” He says.


„So Gisele. I’m willing to put You aside for now and focus on the new killers. But. You need to let Nikki go.”

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