Chapter II

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A week later, we see all of our returning cast living their life peacefully. Zayn is on a vacation in Portugal, Leon is living in Spain, and Jack, who succesfully survived the backstab and the house fire, is now living in France, meanwhile Dav moved to the US, where he became an agent for the FBI. He decided to focus on homicide attacks, and spent the past 5 years on finding where Gisele is hiding. He got a little distant from his sister Laura because of the many work investigation requires. He shockingly finds out about what happened with Nikki. He knows what this means. Ghostface is back, and she won’t stop until she wins, so he starts investigating, starting with the crime scene in London. He finds the bodies of the 3 girls.

„Brutal, reckless, unhinged. This is certainly Gisele, that’s her „style”. He tells the other cops after investigating the stabs.

Apparently, Gisele left a note at the crime scene, saying „Guess who’s back <3”. There’s also a post-card on this letter, showing the Canary Islands.  „Come find me, if You want Nikki alive” says the other side of the paper.  In the meantime, Leon is walking in a crowded Spanish city, when he gets a call from an unknown number. A voice starts speaking, it’s Dav’s. Zayn and Jack also got this call. He tells them both that Gisele is back, and they need to meet in Tenerife. They are all surprised and uncomfortable, and they ask if they can be left out and if the FBI could do thw work, but Dav responds that they need to be together because none of them are safe, and any of them could be next. After hesitation, they all agree. We can then see them arriving at a hotel Dav booked for all of them just at a cliffside, with a beautiful ocean view. They all arrive and greet eachother, it’s nighttime. The building seems empty other than the workers, and Dav is nowhere to be found. They’re questioning what’s goin gon, however they all occupy their room and wait for the Agent to arrive. They’re having dinner, when a few other guests also arrive. Since it’s only them in there, they start talking. The newbies introduce themselves as Peter Reed, Jovie Riley, and Brendan McKenzie. They’re 3 close friends. After a few minutes, they all instantly recognise the others.

„Wait! Aren’t You guys the ones who… You know. Were attacked?” Asks Peter

„Yeah, well… We… are them indeed.”
Answers Jack with pain, as the terrors of Gisele and Magda flash before his eyes.

„Ohh shit. Look, i’m sorry. it just…”
„It’s fine. Don’t worry” Zayn calms down the new guys.

„So… Why are You all here?” Asks Jovie.
„It’s… Look it’s complicated. I think You all should stay away fron us, though.” Tells them Zayn.

„What do You mean stay away?” Asks Brendan

„Look that pschyo girl who tried to kill us is back.” Tells them Leon.

„She already kidnapped Nikki, one of the survivors. Dav, who’s been working with the FBI called us all together here to ensemble, and figure out what’s going on, however he’s still not here. I’m not even sure if we’re safe, if i’m being honest”
Zayn is visibly unhappy that Leon told them this info, as he doesn’t trust them.

„Uhm… Okay. Well, i guess we’ll stay out of Your ways then.” Tells them Peter.

„Good luck, and stay safe!” Tells them the 3 guys, as they leave.

The 3 survivors are feeling a little strange and untrusting of them. Dav, in the meantime calls them all in a group-call. He tells them that it seems like Gisele is back, and that they all need to be careful and stay safe. The trio is questioning what happened, as he already told them this days ago.

„What?!” Dav asks.

„Yeah, You called us all a few days ago and told us to come to the Canary Islands. You even booked a hotel for us.” Tells him Leon.

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