Chapter III

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Local police are working together with the FBI to take down Gisele. They’ve applied a lockdown on the hotel, nobody comes in or out. There are poilcemen guarding the area in the main entrance. The only exceptions are Dav and Laura. The whole cast are talking together to come up with a plan on catching Gisele. Laura says they should lure her into the hotel, where the police can arrest her.

„Use me as a decoy.” Says Dav.

„What?” Everyone asks back surprised

„We all know her main target is me. All this was about luring me here.”

„It’s very dangerous, but that could work” Says Laura, with Zayn agreeing.

„I’ll lure her here, then lead her to the policemen where we take her down together.”

„Well then. We’ve got a plan.” Tells them Zayn.

„We have to find Nikki though.” Says Dav. „How are we gonna find out where Gisele keeps her?”

„True. She won’t just give up her location, even if we torture this pschyo. Gisele would rather us to arrest her than reveal Nikki’s location.” Tells them Zayn,

„I think i have a plan.” Interrupts Peter. „We should lure her out into an area somewhere, use one of us as a decoy. Then, Dav can track her down into her hideout after she leaves, which is i bet where Nikki could be kept.”

Everyone seems to be on board for this plan.

„Okay. Then, who’s gonna be the decoy?” Dav is asking the others.

„I can try.” Tells them Brendan.

„Are You… sure?” Everyone is asking back,

„Yeah. Don’t worry. I want to help You guys. Let’s pick a place that’s big enough for me to hide and escape from.

„Okay. Brendan, You’ll be the decoy. We’ll go with 2 separate cars. Laura, You’re with me. Zayn, You’re gonna drive the other one. The plan is the following:
There’s an abandoned small town not far from here. We’ll go to the center square of it. Me and my sister will be parking not far away, waiting for Gisele. Zayn, You’re gonna drive Brendan to the drop off point, and send him out to Gisele. He then quickly escapes her, You’ll pick him up at the pick-up point and You two get back here to the hotel. After Gisele gives up searching and leaves, we’ll track her back to the warehouse, and get Nikki out.”

„Sounds good. But what about Gisele?” Asks Zayn.

„We kill her.” Answers Dav. „Im a cop, i won’t get in trouble for it. Don’t worry. This is the only way to deal with pschyos.”
Laura agrees.

„When are we doing it?” Asks Brendan.
„Tonight.” Answers Dav. „In 9 hours we’ll be leaving. Get ready.”

„What about us though?” Asks Jovie and Peter.

„You guys stay here. Im sorry, You’re a part of this now, so i need You to be safe.” Tells them Dav.

’O-Okay.” Answers the duo.

As the night is approaching, everyone is preparing in different ways. However, while chilling in his room, Jovie gets a phone call. The voice is using the regular Ghostface sounds.

„Who is this?” Asks Jovie.

„This is the last person whose sound You’re gonna hear, Jovie.”

„We’re gonna take You down, i hope You know that Gisele.”

Ghostface laughs.

„Surely not me, chérie. Sucks that You and Your friends had to be a part of this. I need to kill all of You now too, not just these other assholes. They took YEARS away from me.”

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