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The evening was drawing to a close and Portia Featherington was definitely satisfied, she had managed to get out of the impasse of her cheating cousin thanks to Colin Bridgerton.
  That boy was smarter than she thought, but fortunately she was smarter and tackled her cousin sending him back to where he came from.... She was safe.... her daughters were safe.... and true she should have given back money to many people....and he would.  On behalf of the cousin and no one would accept them because she, she was a widow making amends for a cheater.. she thought smiling.

  -Colin is dancing with Penelope again or am I wrong?  - Violet said satisfied to Anthony
  -So it would seem mother, if that big head got busy at this point you would think about organizing a wedding and you would let me  organize my honeymoon, instead of forcing me to attend these stupid parties-
  -Ohh come on Anthony Kate's love hasn't sweetened you one bit?  -
  Anthony grinned like an idiot for a few seconds thinking about what he was doing with his wife that afternoon locked in the library, then feeling observed with a little smile from his mother, he composed himself.
  -Anyway, I think that Penelope Featherington is keeping him on a leash and, I tell you mother, Colin won't notice will be quick and painless... - he said smiling to his brother as he gracefully passed with Penelope at waltz step.

  Colin was happy, no not happy, he was ecstatic.  From what he had done for Penelope, from how the evening was evolving and above all from having Penelope in her arms.  He had always been in love with Penelope, but for all of her it was hers, Eloise's friend or poor Penelope to be saved from her or from her mother and her horrible clothes or from her sisters who treated her like a servant.  But to Colin it was Penelope or Pen.  With the bluest eyes ever seen, hair of an almost sinful red and a florid and buttery body that could be heaven... And her perfume... In that moment, flushed from the dance, with that blush on her cheeks and his mouth ajar, Colin thought he was going crazy he only hoped that the dance would end soon otherwise he would have done something unseemly, right now.
  The waltz ended.
  "Thank you Lord for this little mercy"
  He immediately pulled away from her leaving her wobbly.
  "I'll go get you a lemonade," he said bowing and leaving her still on the dance floor.
  -S .. Yes thank you- she looked at her a bit bewildered.  Then she sighed shaking her head, Colin never changed.  Unpredictable.  But then she smiled.  In fact he was a good friend.  He had saved her from her rogue cousin.  It was always there when he needed it.
  He approached a group of ladies all intent on chatting.  Usually he was on the sidelines but tonight he needed to "gather information"
  -Miss Featherington nice evening right?  -
  -Very true Miss Thorton-
  -As I told you to this day no one has found out who stole my golden candelabrum... - the three ladies sighed in horror.
  Penelope was backtracking, they weren't suitable subjects for her "his pages".
  -Miss Featherington will there be an announcement soon?  - Penelope stopped the fan amazed.
  -Which announcement?  -
  -Like what announcement... Of you and mister Bridgerton... When will you announce your engagement?  Tonight you danced 2 times and even a waltz ...- the other ladies nodded.
  -Mister Bridgerton and I are just friends we are not and will never be engaged!  she-she said more emphatically than she intended, those gossips could ruin reputations in seconds.
  -Let's face it sir Colin Bridgerton is as handsome as a greek god and wealthy but we women need much more than a wandering dreamer ...- she said laughing then followed by the other ladies.
  She had to make those women believe that she had no interest in Colin to save their reputations.

  Colin was petrified.  He stood there holding two lemonades with a shocked face.  Penelope couldn't have said words like that....she couldn't think that of him!!  She left the lemonades on a table and walked out of the room.

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