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-The bride is gorgeous, isn't she?  Violet said
  "Of course, but my bride will be even more beautiful," she said, pressing Penelope to her side a little too fervently, so that Lady Danbury gave him a caned on her foot.
  -Ahii... Lady Danbury you have gone blind, here is my foot!  -
  -I can see your foot very well but I also see hands that a gentleman should keep in place!!  - Colin blushed and Penelope started laughing behind the fan.
  Colin looked at her with a frown that turned into a smile when Penelope looked at him.
  -Ahh here's an excess of silly looks I'm moving next to you Lady Danbury - said Eloise.
  -When it happens to you Eloise, to send and receive these silly looks, I'll piss you off for a long time!!!  - said Colin who received a fan on the arm from the future bride.
  -Ouch... Stop hitting me-
  -And you stop talking nonsense, my love- said Penelope.
  -Ssstt... It begins-
  Penelope watched excitedly as Felicity declared her love for her 4th cousin, it seemed they were born to be together.  They moved in symbiosis and made a wonderful couple.
  She then she looked at Colin, in another month since she proposed to marry him, he had transformed.
  He was back in great shape and the long walks in Hide Park had tanned him.
  Furthermore, he had discovered an incredible thing ... that wonderful man he had next to him had his own scribbler nature.
  One day while she was waiting for her for a prom, she saw him writing in a notebook, when she asked him what she was writing he blushed and stammered a not very decided "nothing".
  Penelope didn't want to insist but Colin suddenly handed him the notebook.
  -You will soon be my wife, you must know everything about me-
  Penelope's heart sank, Colin was giving himself completely to her but she still couldn't tell him about Lady Whistledown.
  But she was stronger than her, she started reading and it was shocking to know how good Colin was at writing and how stubborn he was in thinking he wasn't!
  Penelope shook his hand as Felicity and cousin Edward exchanged vows.
  Colin turned to her miming "I love you"
  -Colin....later I have to tell you something....my secret-
  Colin leaned towards her.
  “No need, I already know…” she said winking at him “I'm proud to be Lord Whistledown.  -
  Penelope looked at him with her mouth open.
  -But when we are married, I will make you pay for keeping this secret from me for so long ..- she whispered in his ear-but I assure you that you will like my punishment-
  Penelope blushed and Colin clapped and stood up screaming.
  -Long live the newlyweds!!!  -

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