Epilogue 2 20 years after 2nd part.

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Colin had finally finished reviewing his work.  "An Englishman in France" In theory, his Pen always had the last word.  She was an expert on the subject.  For years she had outwitted all London by writing, and sparing no one, the Chronicle of Lady Whistledown.
Who better than her to tell her if her book, her 5th book, was running smoothly.  In addition to being a fantastic wife and mother, she was intelligent and had an extraordinary irony.
She would ask him tomorrow .... she tonight she wanted to finish a "discussion" that she had started in the afternoon.  Since she had become her "his her Pen of her" she never sated.  Even after 20 years of marriage and 4 children, all it took was one look at her bowed neck as she embroidered, at her buttery breasts as she sighed as she argued with him, or even just at the way she tilted her head when she asked him to tie a necklace, that burned for her.  He thought he was sick one time, she mentioned it to Brother Anthony.  The viscount's loud laughter still rang in his ears.  It had been a long time since he had seen him laugh like that!  He left his house mumbling while Anthony still laughed.
I enter the bedroom after knocking lightly, to reveal his presence.  Penelope was at the toilet combing her wonderfully scented hair.  Colin leaned against the door and locked it, a habit developed with 4 restless children.
Penelope looked up at him.
Colin went towards her with a fiery look undoing the scarf that was around her neck.
Penelope turned to him pointing the brush at him.
"Don't even think about it!!"
Colin was taken aback for a moment, then knowing that Penelope didn't resist him that much, he smiled continuing his march.
Pen of her had turned back to the mirror continuing to comb her hair.
She saw her husband shirtless in the mirror.
She bit her lower lip, feeling her resolve tilt.
Colin put his hands on his wife's shoulders.
"I haven't thought of anything else since this afternoon and you don't even look at me?"
Pen swallowed trying not to feel the shivering caused by Colin's excited voice and his desire for her.  She wanted Colin like they did the first time they were together, but she had to understand that she couldn't act as a guardian to her daughters and get away with it.
"Turn around, Pen," Colin said firmly.
Penelope continued to comb her hair looking at him impertinently.  This only turned Colin on even more.
His eyes turned dark with passion and he tightened his hands on Penelope's shoulders.
"Turn around" he said in a deeper voice "now"
Penelope calmly put down the brush and turned around without getting up, it was a mistake because she found herself clearly in front of Colin's excitement.  She sighed.
"Why are you doing this? Because you always drive me crazy with desire. This desire I have for you never goes away....it won't even go away in another 20 years"
He put a hand behind Penelope's neck holding back her hair and pounced on her mouth.
Penelope couldn't hold back a moan.
Colin took advantage of this moment of weakness to undo his wife's dressing gown.
"No!" Penelope said resolutely.
"No?"  Colin said with a wink.
"No. If you behave yourself tomorrow with Jane and Lord Barnett I will do whatever you want"
"You promised me that tonight we would continue the conversation started at my desk" she said making her get up and hugging her.
"Yes if I hadn't started freaking out when I told you about Jane and Terrence. Tomorrow you'll be a polite and kind dad and if you don't let Lord Barnett escape" said Penelope rubbing against him "I'll be yours where, when and how you want ...."
"I would like to remind you my love that we have done this in every corner of our house..." he said sniffing his wife's neck.
"I'm sure a wandering dreamer like you will come up with a new and untried place.." she said kissing his cheek.
Colin smiled sweetly at that nickname.
"Goodnight Colin," Penelope said as she cheekily removed her robe in front of him and revealed herself completely naked.
Colin groaned and walked to the door
"Maybe I better go have a drink and sleep in my office"
"I really think so..." Penelope said smiling and yawning exaggeratedly.

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