iii. "lets just say she was someone different."

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"hey kiara. eva wanted to offer you some free counseling." cricket said with a smile.

"i think you'll like it. it's always nice to release after a hike." she added.

"it's a better use of your time than staring at your phone. you kinda remind me of dre." she said before leaving.

"wait. what happened with dre... or kayla?" i asked.

"oh they're the same person. um... ask eva. she knows more about dre than we all do to be honest." cricket answered. i nodded in response and she left the room.


"right here." a lady said pointing to the double doors next to her.

eva was reading before she noticed me at the doorway.

"you came!" eva said before getting up out of her chair and walked over to me to give me a hug.

"get comfortable. you look relaxed. was that the first time you've meditated?" she added before closing the doors.

i just nodded in response and sat down.

"first meditation. first hike. how does it make you feel?" she asked.

"good i guess. i don't really do that." i spoke and put my head down.

"so this is an e.u?" i asked while looking at her.

"sort of. we just talk.. truthfully" she responded.

"i just want you to relax your mind. okay? like you're meditating." she says and i took deep breaths.

"there you go. do that again and just clear your mind." she spoke and i did her request.

"im gonna snap my fingers and when i do, i want you to say your name.. nothing else. got it?" she added.

i nodded in response.

she snapped her fingers and asked me my name.

"kiara." i smiled

"what's your favorite ni'jah song?" she asked

"easy. love on a cloud!" i said

"do you remember the first time you heard it?" she asked

"well. i was at my moms. before i left for college. she was a big ni'jah fan as well and she introduced me to her." i responded

"name." she said after she snapped her fingers.


"you must've had a rough childhood. did people ever call you things as a child" she spoke.

"ugly. stupid. dyke."

"what are you afraid of?"she asked

"i don't know." i looked around the room as i spoke.

"are you afraid of death?" she questioned

"not really?" i said before she cut me off


"happens to everyone. we all die whether we have a choice or not." i replied

"name" she snapped her fingers




"do you pray?" she asked

"i don't believe in it." i said

"why?" she asked.

"there's not a god. we don't know who made the bible. we don't know what's there after we die." i responded.

she just hummed in response.


"kiara" i said

"tell me something you regret." she said as her light blue orbs turned a shade darker.

"my dads relationship with my mom." i spoke

"why's that?" she asked as i was fidgeting with my fingers.

"my parents fought a lot when i was growing up. my dad left multiple times. it was hard." i said as my breathing started to become shaky.

"he took my siblings and i never saw them again." i held back the tears that threatened to fall.

"do you have any memories with your siblings?" she asked.

"none that i can remember." i said as i calmed myself down.

"you did very good kie. im so proud of you." eva spoke before she gave me a hug.

i just smiled in response.

"thank you" i mumbled as i hugged her back.

"also. im not sure if this is the right time but do you think you can tell me about dre?" i asked her.

"um.. well.. let's just say she was someone different." she said as put her hands over mine.

"but its nothing to worry about now because she's gone. shes the past now and you're the future." eva smiled as she stared into my eyes.

there was a lot of tension between us. we both kept staring at each other.

"you're really pretty." she whispered to me and i blushed at the compliment.

she kept looking at my eyes and then my lips multiple times.

"can i kiss you?" she whispered

i just nodded.

we connected lips for a few moments before she pulled away.

"i-i better go." i stuttered while she smiled

i exited out the room and made it to the kitchen.

"hi kie!" grace exclaimed.

"hi grace!" i replied.

"how did the e.u go?" cricket asked.

"it went well. we just.. talked." i said not mentioning the kiss me and eva shared just a few moments ago.

"do you want anything to eat? something to drink?" audrey asked me.

"im okay." i responded while going to my room.

a/n: i need ideas for this.

thoughts and predictions 👀

w: 819 <3

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