vi. im not playing your games! fuck you and your 'tribe'

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"kiara. i don't want you to go." i heard eva say and my eyebrows furrowed.

what the fuck?

why would she say that the day before the festival? that's fucking crazy.

"what?" i said confused.

"you heard me. i don't like repeating myself." she said before she walked away.

"eva what the fuck! it's the day before the festival and you're saying i can't go?" i yelled at her.

she then turned around and came closer to me. staring right in my eyes with an angry expression on her face.

"yeah. what did you think i said?" she furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

"fuck you! you know how much ive been waiting for this shit!" i screamed and grabbed my backpack as i pushed her out to my way and made my way out of the house.

"hi kie!" salem said with a smile

"fuck you!" i spat before i slammed the door and made my way to my car.

"kiara where do you think your going?" i heard eva say as i closed my car door.

"to the festival." i simply said before she opened her mouth to speak again.

"no your not!" she said before she popped my tire one by one with a knife.

"ill buy you new ones but you're not going to that fucking festival" she added and my eyes widened.

"fuck you eva! im not playing your games! fuck you and your 'tribe" i yelled before getting out of my car and running towards the exit of the house.

"don't just fucking stand there go after her!" i heard eva say. not long after her group of girls came running after me.

"i swear if you don't get her by tomorrow im killing all of you!" eva screamed. that was the last thing i heard eva say before i left.

i need to get to that festival before it's too late.

i looked back and they kept coming after me. they weren't too far away from me.

i kept running. getting farther and farther away from the house and evas girls. i decided to trick them and ran into the forest.

i hid behind a tree and saw that they kept going straight.

i catched my breath and continued to hide behind this tree.

i looked inside my backpack and got some water. i chugged the water bottle and grabbed my stuff. i walked out the forest, onto the road and i saw a car coming.

please don't be eva

please for the love of god don't be eva.

"hey." i heard someone say.

"hi" i waved back at the woman.

"where you headed?" the woman asked

"im going to the festival tomorrow and i need a ride!" i said with a smile.

"get in." she gave a smile.

i got into the passenger seat and put my backpack in the back seat.

"what's your name?" she asked

"kiara. what's yours?" i said with a smile

she was hesitant for a moment before saying her name.

"tony." she said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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