v. "i don't want you to go"

196 9 4

"name?" i snapped my fingers



"why did you try to leave?"

"why was there blood on the seat?" i looked up at dre who was hesitant for a moment before she sat down and spoke.

but before she could everything froze. like time just froze suddenly?

i looked around and in a blink of an eye i was back to where she almost killed me.

i kept reliving that same experience over and over..





"again" i whispered before jolting awake from my slumber.

my breathing kept getting heavier and heavier as seconds passed.

i heard a knock on the door and told whoever it was to come in.

"hey eva are you alright?" cricket asked me.

i laid my head on my pillows and rubbed my eyes, slowing down my breaths as i took each one. i opened my eyes expecting to see cricket..

"dre?" i spoke, my eyes widened with fear as i remember the situation like it was yesterday.

"hi." she said before she came unbelievably closer.

"i see i have some unfinished business to take care of." she spoke lowly as she put her hand on my throat.

my breaths started to get heavier as i couldn't speak anymore, she started to put more and more pressure on my throat as tears swelled into my eyes. every breath i took could be my last. our faces were inches apart before she spoke.

"see you soon." she smirked before the pressure on my throat was immediately released. i started coughing, catching my breath as i opened my eyes to see cricket on my bed and grace and salem at the doorway to my bedroom.

"eva are you okay?" cricket started to say before i cut her off

"please go." i told her as i continued to catch my breath while my hand was on my chest.

"eva you need to talk to us." grace started to say before i cut her off as well.

"guys get the fuck out!" i screamed. my voice cracked as more tears swelled into my eyes.

the three women left the room as i was alone with my thoughts.

that has to be my imagination right?



"eva you have to talk to us sooner or later. you can't keep ignoring us." grace spoke as she sipped her tea.

"i don't have to say shit." i glared at grace before sitting down at the table. kiara came in the kitchen before yawning.

"good morning kie." i gave her a smile and she smiled back at me.

grace and salem sighed as they both sat at the table. i looked at them with confusion.

"eva please. we wanna help you" salem spoke before i stood up immediately after she opened her mouth.

"its kiaras e.u time." i made up an excuse before she looked at me.

"but it doesn't start until 2pm?" she spoke

"let's just get it over with?" i gave a smile as she followed me.

"name?" i asked after i snapped my fingers



i opened my eyes and speak of the devil herself. dre popped up out of nowhere.

"what do you want?" i asked

"i told you this morning. i don't have to repeat it." she spoke

i sighed in response as she opened her mouth to speak but i cut her off.

"you know. i just have one question.. why are you in my life again." i asked her before she thought of what to say.

"you said something about ni'jah that i didn't like. plus i thought you would look prettier with blood on your face. i was correct." she smiled

"you're lucky you're alive now. your little hoes stopped me before i could even get the chance to kill you." she whispered.

everything was silent for a moment before she spoke up again.

"y'know eva." she said but her voice was slowly fading away somehow.



"eva!" i heard kiara say before i was startled out of my thoughts.

"you was zoned out. are you feeling okay?" she asked and i nodded in response.

"yeah." i said before we continued the e.u session.


tomorrows the festival and im having second thoughts about kiara going. what if something happens? i don't want anything bad to happen to her. this is a big deal and i just want her safe.

"hi kie. uh. can i speak to you?" i said after i walked in her bedroom.

"uh yeah what's up?" she asked before she closed her book, laying it beside her.

"it's about the festival." i spoke and she nodded in response.

"kiara. i don't want you to go."

a/n; hiii! it's been awhile since i updated. 4 more weeks of school and then im finally off for summer break!

thoughts and predictions?

w: 808 <3

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