iv. "shes the past and you're our future"

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i stared at the ceiling as i was occupied by my thoughts. eva wanted to kiss me? out of all of the girls here? she wanted to kiss me.

the compliments that she always gives to me while im here makes my stomach erupt with butterflies. since i was always bullied as a child.

i was interrupted by my thoughts as someone came in.

"hey kie. are you doing okay?" cricket asked as she came in from the doorway.

"yeah im good." i gave a small smile

"are you sure? you didn't eat dinner when we offered it to you." she spoke as she sat on my bed.

"i guess i wasn't hungry." i simply said.

"was it something that eva said that ruined your appetite?" she asked kinda getting worried.

"no its not that. i promise! im gonna go to sleep." i said while cricket got up off my bed and into the darkness of the hallway out of my room.


i woke up from my slumber immediately trying to find my phone. it was gone? i could've sworn i placed it on my nightstand on the charger.

i looked everywhere in the room to see if i misplaced it somewhere but it was gone.

i went downstairs for breakfast anyways. hoping one of the girls could call it or something.

"hi." i smiled as i made my way to the kitchen where everyone was there.

"good morning kiara!" grace said with a smile as she was eating her breakfast.

"hi." eva said to me with a smile.

i just blushed as i looked back at her remembering the kiss we had yesterday.

"um. do you want anything?" eva asked me but i declined.

"does anyone have my phone?" i asked everyone to see if they have it.

"i don't have it" audrey said.

"neither do i." grace agreed.

"did you misplace it?" isis asked me but i shook my head.

"no." salem said with a confused expression on her face and shook her head.

"i didn't see it" janine responded

"neither have i" cricket said before she took a drink of whatever she was drinking.

"eva have you seen it?" i asked her but she shook her head no.

"i could call it for you." eva responded while getting her phone out to dial my number.

"oh wait but you don't have my-" i began to say before she put the phone up to her ear.

"hm. that's weird. it didn't ring.." eva said with a confused look on her face.

"i never told you my number though." i told her with also a confused expression on my face.

"yeah you did. when you first came here. hm.. you probably don't remember." she shrugged before she thanked janine for fixing her breakfast.

i just ignored what happened before going back to my room. that was weird.


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