02 - keefe

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The Red. They were there.

I watch as Gisela yells into her Imparter. "Get the prisoners rounded up, or so help me, you will be worse than Unworthy!" she screams, throwing the formidable word around like it's nothing. I watch her meticulously smooth back her blond hair and switch the Imparter off. She turns to me, and I shrink into myself.

"Go to your quarters, my son. Rest up. We're going to have lots of trials tomorrow." I bow my head, feeling the ability restricting collar cut into my chin, and turn my back on her. I walk down the palace hallway. It's funny how walls so intricately decorated and lavish can hold so much deadly history.

When I reach my room, my eyes are drawn to the neat, folded paper on my desk. A letter I had written, with all intentions of tossing it out the window and seeing who it would find.

It was hopeless, what was I thinking?

Frustrated, I tear the letter off the table and fling it onto the wall. I open the window and breathe in some fresh air. While there are still bars on my window, I can still see the sun, and that's enough to satisfy me.

A gust of wind blows into my room, ruffling the pages of open journals full of art. The letter is carried off the floor and out into the world.

"No, no, no!" I cry, and try to snatch the paper, but it's too late. It's already gone. If Gisela ever found out, I would be in trouble.

I sink onto my bed with my head in my hands.

It's over.

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