
637 19 9

Liam; I'm gonna kill you. Stop. Giving. Me. Feels.

Niall; You sound like a teenage fangirl.

Liam; Don't care. You still need to stop.

Niall; What am I doing?

Liam; What AREN'T you doing.

Niall; I'm not doing anything!

Liam; But the way you do it is what's killing me!

Liam; I have an idea.

Niall; What is it?

Liam; Wear a paper bag over your head. And baggy clothes. Like candace.

Niall; You did not just make a Phineas & Ferb reference.

Liam; Hey, you recognised it. You're just as bad as I am, love :)

Niall; Dammit.

Liam; I love you <3

Niall; I love you too. But you bring out the worst in me.

Liam; And the best!

Liam; And the sexiest ;)

Liam; And the most loving.

Liam; And the most protective.

Liam; And the most protective.

Liam; And the most hilarious.

Liam; And the most heart-warming.

Niall; Okay, I get it. You're the bet thing that's ever happened to me and I need to watch more Disney movies to make you happy.

Liam; ... I actually got Louis to watch them with me. So you just need to hug me more at this point.

Liam; Or buy me more cake.

Liam; Or kiss me more.

Liam; Or carry me up the stairs.

Liam; Or just carry me more in general.

Liam; Or drive me more places.

Niall; Or buy you cake. I'm willing to buy you cake. And kiss you. I will definitely kiss you more.

Liam; *cough cough* kiss you *cough cough*

Niall; Did you, a member of One Direction, really just reference One Direction to another member of One Direction.

Liam; Yes. But it's not like you noticed you said it to begin with. Which, really, you should have, considering you got so hungry you decided to be a shark so you could eat poor Zayn (who really shouldn't have a pool since he can't swim. Or a car since he can't drive. Explain his logic to me).

Niall; I don't know, ask Zayn. His logic is just as fucked up to you as it is to me.

Liam; Ni?

Niall; Yes darling?

Liam; Will you come home and get my cake out of the fridge?

Niall; ... I'm in another country and you want me to fly all the way home, hundreds of kilometres, just to get you cake that's only a few metres away from you?

Liam; Would you?

Niall; I can't believe I'm considering this. Uhm, give me a minute.

Niall; You're so lucky I love you. I'm leaving tomorrow morning.

Liam; Oh my god, really? NIALL I LOVE YOU <3

Niall; I love you too. Now get some sleep, cause you'll be meeting me at the airport at 9.

Liam; Deal. Goodnight Niall, i love you <3

Niall; i love you too <3

Texts Between Boyfriends (A Niam Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now