Whipped Cream & Chocolate Syrup

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Niall; Liam!!

Liam; Yes Niall?

Niall; I can't talk.

Liam; What do you mean you cant talk?

Niall; My throat just kinda died.

Niall; This is your fault.

Liam; MY fault? How?

Niall; Well, if SOMEONE wasn't do rough last night with my mouth, I wouldn't be in this predicament.

Liam; Oh... Oh yeah. My baaaaaaad.

Liam; Wait, did you just use the word predicament? Aw, Nialler, I'm rubbing off on you!

Niall; Oh my god I did. Oh my god I'm turning into YOU.

This is gross. Im just gonna take a hot bath.

Liam; You're mean. I'm gonna cry.

Niall; Haha, nice try. I know you're not actually crying.

Liam; *insert picture of a crying Liam that quite frankly I am too lazy to find at this exact moment*

Niall; Well. Now I feel awful.

Liam; You should. Cause you're a MEANY BUTT HEAD.

Niall; What if I watched a Disney movie? Or threw out all my spoons? OR DRESS UP AS BATMAN? Would any of those make you feel better?

Liam; I'll be over at 16:30 and if all of those things are done I will love you forever and ever and I'll never cause you to lose your voice ever again.

Niall; DO YOU KNOW HOW AWFUL IT IS NOT TO TALK?! I mean, doing it for charity was one thing, but unwillingly not talking is torture, Liam! TORTURE.

Liam; I know baby, and I'm sorry. If I brought you chocolate cake later would you feel better?

Niall; And Nando's.

Niall; And some ice cream.

Niall; And whipped cream & chocolate syrup ;) ;)


Niall; Are you stupid? I mean, I love you to death but you have to be seriously stupid.

Liam; Meany butt head.

But what am I missing?

Niall; You'll find out later babe. I'll see you in a few hours <3

Liam; Bye baby I'll see you soon! <3

Niall; And don't forget my whipped cream or chocolate syrup!


Liam; Just now leaving the store, I'll be there in 15 minutes! :)

Niall; Did you get my cream & syrup?

Liam; Yeah, of course. I'm not one of the other boys, I'm not forgetful.

Niall; Yeah, okay. You forgot it, didn't you?

Liam; Maybe just a little bit.

Liam; Okay, I got the crisps and the Kool Aid. On my way.

Niall; Liam. The whipped cream & chocolate syrup!?

Liam; Dammit. Okay, I got chu, Ni.

Niall; Stop trying to act gangster, you're too white and it's extremely funny.

Liam; Whats wrong with funny?

Niall; My throat is practically THROBBING, Liam. Or did you already forget about that wonderful night we shared less than 24 hours ago?

Liam; Right, right. Sorry love.

Liam; I got your (low fat) syrup & whipped cream!


Liam; What's the difference? It's only gonna mix with the ice cream!

Niall; You idiot. I was gonna eat it off YOU, not the ice cream.

Liam; Oh. Oh. OOOOOHHHH.

Well then yes. Regular would be preferable.

Liam; Don't worry babe I got chu.

Niall; Liam, stop, it hurts to laugh!

Liam; Sorry darling! I'll do my best. And I got the regular this time! :)

Niall; Oh thank god. Now hurry here, Batman's lonely.

Liam; You're seriously dressed as batman?!

Niall; And Toy Story 1 is on the telly. And we'll be eating ice cream with forks.

Liam; Ohmygod i love you <3

But would it be okay if we skipped the movie and ice cream and batman stuff and save that for ext week? I just want the whipped cream and syrup.

Niall; Done. I'll be in my room. Let yourself in. I'll see you in a bit Liam ;)

Liam; See you soon, Ni :D

Texts Between Boyfriends (A Niam Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now