Chapter 3: Beach Volley

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Matthew: I hope we find Luiz soon. I'm starting to miss home.

Champ: Me too, bud.

Grace: I'm starting to miss home too.

Chase: Don't worry, guys. As soon as we find Luiz, the sooner we can get the chains off of Blu and Jewel and we can find a way back home.

Champ: Chase, you mind letting Matt ride on your back?

Chase: Yeah, I don't mind.

Champ: *picks up Matt, putting him on Chase's back*

Chase: Be comfortable there Matthew.

Skye: I'm sure he'll be fine Chase.

Marshall: Yeah, he'll be fine by the time we find Luiz.

Matthew: Thanks Chase. You're the best.

Chase: You're welcome, Matthew. Just doing my duty.

Champ: Can't wait to meet this Luiz guy.

Nico: Hey, Rafi! If it isn't the king of carnival!

Rafael: Nico! Pedro! What up, family?

Pedro: Where you been hidin' yourself, bird?

Nico: Man, I thought you were dead!

Pedro: Hold up! Rewind! [going towards Blu] Ain't that the bird from the cage?

Nico: I think our love lessons went down smooth.

Pedro: You work fast!

Nico: Baby got big!

Pedro: You was locked up and now you're rollin' up with a hot wing! Woo! I wanna be like you!

Blu: Oh, no, no! It's not what you think. We're just uh... chained together.

Nico: Hey, I'm not judging you.

Pedro: Keep it spicy.

Nico: Oh, yeah.

Rafeal: Hey, guys. We're looking for Luiz. Have you seen him?

Pedro: Yeah, I seen him. He just went by to the other side of the beach. We can help you get to him.

(Soon, Marmosets appeared)

Monkeys: (Chittering and hooting)

Rubble: Aw, great. These guys again.

Champ: Didn't you guys learned your lesson when we beat you?

Lead Marmoset: What makes you think we're going to learn a lesson from you all? We aren't giving up until we get you all to come with us.

Rafeal: C'mon! Can't we just get along with each other?

Lead Marmoset: This isn't your fight, big nose!

Grace: This is his fight! Now if you don't mind, we're going to Luiz.

Lead Marmoset: Not if we have anything to say about it! Get them!

(They started making their way through the jungle and defeating all the Marmosets that try to stop them. At the last of the beach, they see Luiz coming to help.)

Rafeal: Luiz! Glad to see you!

Luiz: Glad I could make it. Looks like you can need some help with these monkeys. 

(Luiz defeats the marmosets for the gang as they all run away.)

Rubble: Thanks for the help, Luiz.

Luiz: No problem. So, I heard you need help getting the chains off.

Jewel: Yes, we do.

Luiz: Don't worry. I got a wrench!

(Luiz came back with a wrench and takes the handcuffs out of Blu and Jewel, separating them

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(Luiz came back with a wrench and takes the handcuffs out of Blu and Jewel, separating them.)

Jewel: Finally! I'm free! I can finally fly free in the world! *Flies away*

(Suddenly however, Jewel is kidnapped by Nigel)

Nigel: [catches Jewel as she is flying] Going somewhere, pretty bird?

Jewel: Oh, yeah! I was just on my way to CLAW YOUR EYES OUT! [punches Nigel in the face; the gang see Nigel get a hold of Jewel]

Nigel: Temper. Temper. Now come along, my dear. We're going to a parade. And everybody loves a parade! [flies away with Jewel]

Jewel: Let go of me!

Pedro: [as he, along with Nico, watch Nigel take Jewel by force] [as they watch Nigel take Jewel by force] Hey! Get back here! Ain't nobody messes with a friend of Pedro. I ain't havin' it! It's on! [starts punching the air]

Nico: What are you-- on?! Did you see the talons on that guy?!

Pedro: Talons? Maybe, it's on next time.

[Nico and Pedro turn and fly away]

Champ: Hey! Get back here! *Jumps up and grabs them*

Chase: No way! We're going after Jewel and rescue her!

Skye: Yeah, I'm with you Chase!

(Soon, the remaining birds go after Jewel.)

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