Dustin- New Girl

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I have always been going from school to school with my parents work interfiring with my social life

But this time things were going to be different becuase my parents were actually planning on settling here

And I was beyond happy I was finally going to have some friends that will last instead of getting to attached to certain people and having to end up leaving them

This was going to be a new school new start so my outfit had to be perfect

I decided to sleep more early than I usually do so I can wake up feeling refreshed

The next day:

Once I had woken up I got dressed and then brushed my hair and styled it for today I decided to wear my hair down

What you decided to wear (change if u don't like it)

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I then put some mascara and lip gloss on and grabbed my bag therfore heading out

After my mom dropped me off I walked into the halls of my new school immidetaly feeling eyes on me

wtf are people staring do I got something on my face or what? I thought

I then saw a girl from a distance start to approach me from what I saw she had short cute hair that was barley shoulder lengh but still sutied her

"Hi I haven't seen you around my names heather whats yours" she said reaching her hand out which I gladly shook

"I'm y/n it's my first day here"

"I figured well would you like to sit with me and my friends during lunch?" she questioned

"yeah of course that sounds cool I'm down"

"alright great see you around y/n"

When I reached my first period class which was social studies my eyes landed on a certian boy

who had happended to be looking at me possibly checking me out? no don't think like that y/n a guy like him would never check you out or so I thought

Dustins pov:

As I was talking to one of my closest friend brant the most breath taking girl had entered the class god she was georgous

"damn new girls got big ass and big tits that a bonus for sure" said brant

"yeah whatever I don't really care about those things but shes very pretty like her face you know"

"yeah I agree her boobs and tits are pretty"

I just looked at him with a disgusted look was that really all he cares about god just the way he talks about women makes me want to puke

After she introduced her self I had learned her name was y/n and to my suprise the teacher had seated her at an empty desk which happneded to be in the middle of mine and brants

"hey your y/n right?" I asked with a hint of nervousness in my voice

"yeah thats right who might you be?"

"I'm dustin do you wanna have lunch with me and my friends?"

"as nice as that sounds I already promised some girl heather that I'd be sitting with her friends I'm sorry"

"well your lucky that I'm friends with heather so now you get to sit with the both of us"

y/n pov:

After class had ended I quickly packed my things and left as I coulden't stand being their any longer

I then felt a tap on my shoulder turning around it was that same boy from first period

"hey uh y/n"

"hi whats up is everything alright?"

"yeah um everythings great I just wanted to let you know that your very pretty"

"I think your very pretty to dustin" I replied back

"gald you think that I'll see you at lunch new girl"

"I'll see you their to boy from first period"

I then walked away from the conversation as happy as ever

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