Dustin- Wild Things

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As me and my friend group which is considered to be the "popular kids" were all sat down alex then brings up a rather interesting topic

"yo I heard brenden inviting people to watch a movie at his place"

"And why would we wanna go their" said becca while making a disgusted look

"well maybe because their gonna watch wild things" brant said interupting what alex was going to say

"you guys theirs just going to be a bunch of nerdy ass people their so lets just host our own but like only people from our group" I said reciving a lot of agreement

"oOo I love the idea y/n lets host it my place"

"yeah thats such a good idea heather" said connie

"hey dust are you gonna go to heathers?"

"only if your going ma" he said while wrapping his arm around me

"I was gonna say the same thing" I said while laughing

Time skip:

You were deciding on what you were going to were to heather house you then made up your mind choosing (whatever outfit you want)

You then stepped onto heathers front porch ringing the doorbell only once to be poliet

The door had then swung open revealing dustin standing their with a welcoming smile

"I knew it was you ma"

"how'd you know it was me I mean it could have been anyone else"

"well maybe because your the last one that arrived"

"shit really I thought I was early"

"don't worry we didn't even start the movie yet clearly everyones distracted" he said making way for me to come in to see what everyone was busy with

Once I entered I saw the sight of brant and alex play fighting and becca singing with a karoke mic while heather and connie were cheering her on

"yo guys y/n finally here" said brant getting off of alex who looked like he was suffering poor boy I thought

"Y/NNN" connie said running up to me while pulling me in for a hug

"enough with all this love shit lets watch wild things I wanna see some sexy boobies" alex said earning a shove from heather causing everyone to laugh at the two

as we all got seated I was in between dustin and alex which I wasn't complaining becuase I was sat with one of my closest childhood friends and my boyfriend

The entire time dustin had his arm slung around me and he was being more affectinate than usual

During the middle off the movie dustin leaned in closer whispering something into my ear

"lets go upstairs" he whisperied so softly so that I was the only one who heard

He then got up from his seat holding my hand while leading me upstairs

We made our way up to what seemed to be heathers room I knew where this was going so I grabbed his hand pulling him onto heather bed

We both connected our lips into one anothers kissing each other very roughly as we were both craving each others touch

"I've been waiting for this all day" dustin said parting our lips which I went and closed so that our lips were touching again

He then reached for my shirt pulling it off while I climed onto his lap and the makeout session we were having got more and more heated as I also pulled of his shirt

Meanwhile downstairs:

"you guys wheres y/n and dustin?" questioned brant

"oh I saw them going up stairs a long time ago" said heather innocently

"you know what that means" alex said wigling his eyebrows

"well whatever their doing is more wild than wild things" connie had said while giggling

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