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I headed towards the sitting brunette, the conversation being shared between him and Aiden are being clearer as I get closer. They are talking about the music they listen to, unfamiliar songs and artists but they sound somewhat nostalgic to adults who were teens in the early 2000s.

"Hey Colby," I greeted him, earning an annoyed facial expression from Aiden and a confused one from Colby. 

"Hey," he replied back keeping his glazed blue orbs up on me, waiting for me to say something. 

We usually don't talk to each other besides a simple greeting when we are near each other. For example, a "hey" or "hi" when passing each other in the hallways at school. But, neither one of us would come up to the other to greet them. Only when we so happen to be next to each other due to our parents or something. Yesterday was the first time we've talked like that in years even when it was a small conversation, it would've been confusing to both of us if we weren't drunk. 

"I'm sorry for Tyler's actions yesterday, he had no right to say such things to you." I shook my head. I continued, "can you also tell Sam I'm sorry for what happened yesterday? He didn't deserve it at all. Sam's a nice kid who shouldn't be caught up in things like that," my head tilted up, making me stare up at the ceiling and I licked my lips. "It's just you know..." I looked back down at him with a sympathetic expression, thinking of the right words. "Tyler can be a dick sometimes."

He sighed and cocked his head to the side, his eyes were still on me. "Harp, it's not your fault. Tyler should be the one apologizing not you." He flashed me a slight smile. "You shouldn't apologizing for another person's actions that had nothing to do with you."

"Yo, what did I miss yesterday?" Aiden asked with knitted brows, his eyes going back and forth between me and Colby.

Me and Colby ignored him, he'll find out on instagram or something later anyways. "Technically what he told you was about me." I paused. "Oh, and I know none of that is true by the way," I assured him.

He shook his head and a deep chuckle escaped his mouth. "Yeah, well, it wasn't your fault. Don't apologize for him."

I was about to tell him something until Mr. Brock cut me off, "well founding families, let's get this discussion started, shall we?" I scurried back to my spot next to Sophia when the room fell silent. The mayor cleared his throat before he continued. "This year we'll be discussing a 1800s theme. Unfortunately last year's theme was very unstimulating due to the issues we've had last year. Yet luckily this year, we can now put our focus back on the Founder's Day for the rest of our citizens."

The mayor's voice started to become muffled when I started to doze off into my thoughts and gazed around the room, then my eyes stopped at this certain someone. 

Colby is quiet, immensely quiet. He doesn't like to talk much with others at school but he tends be full on engaged with those he's close with. Understandable, stranger danger. He never had an interested in making new ones, he started talking to Sam over two years when we were starting to drift off. 

We've developed different interests as we've gotten older, and I started to get busier over the years. I'm glad he has replaced me with Sam, never seen him happier without Sam. Me and Colby have nothing to talk about anymore, which made our relationship go from best friends to acquaintances. 

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