Chapter 3: I AM peter pan!

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"Let's play"

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"Let's play"

While Greg and Tamara were trying to get the radio to work, The lost boys started circling them. When they decided to finally come into view, the Magic Destroyers looked over at him and the boys with suspicion.

"Who are you?" Greg demanded,
"We're the home office" Felix, one of the lost boys stated with humor, "welcome to Neverland"

Greg looked at his partner with disbelief. "The home office is a bunch of teenagers?" Tamara couldn't help but question.

"Their not teenagers," Henry stated, "They're the Lost Boys" his voice quivering

Felix looked at the boy with amusement, "look at that-"

"Why do the Lost Boys want to destroy magic?" Henry interrupted him.

"Who said we want to destroy magic?" In a faux confused tone. He looked over at the adults who were shaking in confusing.

"That was our mission,"Greg mumbled pointing at himself.

"So you were told." Felix just looked over to Henry, "Yea, now the boy."

Henry looked around at the group with big innocent eyes.

"Hand him over" Felix demanded calmly

Tamara looked at him with disbelief, "not until you tell us the plan." She walked over towards Henry, standing in front of him "for magic. For getting home."

Felix just smiled at the obliviousness, he slowly walked over towards Greg. His smile falling off his face.

"Your not getting home."

And that's what caused all hell to break out. The adult tried arguing that the boys wouldn't be getting Henry.

The argument ended with Pans Shadow ripping off Greg's, killing him, and Tamara demanding that Henry run, as she was shot and killed by an unseen archer.

The Archer jumped down from and tree and looked around at the Lost boys, "Get the boy!" He shouted. At his demand, the group started running towards where Henry ran.

The archer stayed still, along with Felix.

"Nice of you to show" Felix smirked

"Shove it up your arse" the Archer ran into the lost boys shoulder, walking in the opposite direction the boy went," let's go Felix, we got a job to do." Felix just shook his head with a smile, following the boy in the wrong direction.

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