Chapter 8

19 2 3

Tw vulgar language
Intrusive thoughts

Souls POV:

"Hey Kid. Should we tell Liz and Patty about us later?" I ask Kid as we walk through the school hallways. "Yeah" Kid agrees. We reach our first class. We spot Liz and Patty and head up to them. "Hey Kid and I want to talk about something with your guys later" I say to the sisters. They nodded their heads and we then took our seats.

The school day goes by dreadfully slow. I'm currently in last period watching the minutes tick by. My anxiety builds up inside of me as I think about telling Liz and Patty about us. No one has been against us being together yet and I don't see why they would think differently. I'm probably overthinking it due to the fact that I'm not the closest with them. I also worry that Liz has feelings for Kid. Kill them. Not you again. You know you want to. What is wrong with you? I don't! Oh Soul, when will you learn to give into the madness. Let it indulge you. Why can't you give into the power? Everyone will be at your control. Get out of my head! No one can save you now. Your dear Kid isn't here to notice and who else would bother to notice. Your poor meister who puts up with you isn't here for you either. It's not like anyone cares for you. You said that yourself. Kid just thinks of you as a play toy while to Maka your just a tool. To everyone else your a nobody. Shut up! You know nothing! But Soul you know I'm right. I could make you stand up and kill everyone in this room right now. You would love to do that. Get out of my head. Please. Oh? And why should I do that? Just let me get through school peacefully then after torture me all you please. I guess I'll agree to these terms.

I snap my head up. Tears prick the corner of my eyes. I notice a figure standing in front of me. "Soul!" yells a feminine. I look up to see almond shaped eyes. Maka.

"M-maka" I manage to get out. Her face turns from annoyed to concerned in seconds. She probably thought I was asleep due to my head being in my arms when my thoughts began to be taken over. I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand trying not to let the tears spill. I look around the classroom to notice it empty besides Maka and Blackstar who was by my side that I didn't notice before. "It happened again didn't it?" asked Blackstar. I nod my head. Blackstar places a hand on my back rubbing it. I stand up trembling and try to leave the DWMA seeing as how the day is ended. Blackstar and Maka stay by my side supporting me as we reach the entrance to the school.

We spot Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, and Patty standing by the entrance with concern on their faces. Tsubaki and Kid notice my trembling and come up to me. They knew that the black blood activated again. It is extremely rare to find me trembling in front of others when it's anything besides black blood. Liz and Patty still don't know about the black blood so they were confused.

"Where were you guys?" Liz asks. "The black blood activated again" Maka replies not realizing that the sisters have no idea about it. "What?" Liz asks. "They don't know do they?" Maka asks me. I shake my head. Maka then explained what was going on to Liz and Patty.

"That's terrible" Liz said hugging me which I awkwardly returned. "Souls gonna kill us!!" Patty yelled in a cheerful tone. "Patty" Kid said glaring at her. Patty than began to laugh. I shiver at the idea of killing them even if it was purposefully. I hate the idea of it. I shake these thoughts away and try to put on a fake smile. "Well we should probably all head home" I say. Everyone begins to part ways. "Also Maka, I'm gonna be going over to Kids" I tell her. She nods and then I run over to Kid and the sisters.

After a bit we arrive at Kids mansion. It was perfectly symmetrical due to Kids need of symmetry. A breath taking sight his house was. I was here a few days ago but it's still just as amazing as before. I snap out of my thoughts as Kid drags me over to a couch. As we sit down he has Liz and Patty sit down in a couch directly across from the one we were on.

"So what did you guys want to talk about?" Liz asks looking at her nails. "Oh did you guys buy me a surprise giraffe!" Patty yells. "No Patty" Kid says taking in a deep breath. I want to let him be the one to say it. These are the two people that he lives with and are his weapons. I can tell that all three of them all have a strong relationship with each other. If they were to be against us being together it would cause a lot of problems.

I squeeze his hand giving him the confidence he needed to say it. "Soul and I are dating" he says. "I KNEW IT!" Patty yells jumping up and down while Liz just looks shocked. After a minute of Liz processing it she speaks. "I'm happy for you guys" she congratulates us. Kid and I smile at each other. "Who's the top?" Patty asks. Our faces flush. "P-patty!" Kid yells. "I'm curious as well" Liz says joining the conversation. "Guess you'll have to figure it out yourselves" I reply. I soon regret as I see the smirks spread against the twin pistols faces.

Kid then pulls me along to the kitchen, escaping that situation. We get some food and then go to Kids room to find Liz and Patty in there trying to set up cameras. "Seriously guys!" Kid yells. "Well Soul did say we would have to figure it out ourselves" Liz said defensively. Kid sends me a quick glare which I smirk at. "Well you didn't have to put cameras in my room!" Kid replies. "Souls probably the top anyways" Patty perks up which Liz agrees with. They then leave.

Kid and I both flop down onto the bed. After a minute we burst out laughing. My laughter gets cut short as I feel my body begin to get heavy. I try to talk but I can't. I try to move but I cant. All I can do is think. It's like watching myself through a tv screen. I stand up against my will. Oh god. I forgot about the conversation I had with whoever is in my head during school. I start moving out of Kids house. I can see Kid walking besides me calling my name. I just keep walking. Eventually I reach mine and Makas apartment. Why would he bring me here?

I collapse as my body is in my control again. Im on the floor trembling. Kid kneels besides me putting a hand on my shoulder. He was able to figure out that the black blood activated again and decided to see where it wanted me to go. "Why did it take us here?" Kid asks. "I'm not sure" I replied. Go inside. I stand up and with a trembling hand I open the door.

Kids POV:

I see Maka sitting at a table with a man. A man who looks similar to Soul. "Oh hey guys! Soul, your dad came to visit but you weren't home" Maka said. That's Souls dad? "Get out" Soul growled. I look over to him confused. Maka shares the same look. "Soul I just came to visit. I haven't seen you in years. Plus I've been meaning to met your meister and your boyfriend" Souls dad says. How does he know about us? "How does he know about us?" I ask Soul. "I could ask the same question" He replies. Souls dad let's out a laugh.

"Why are you here? Why do you know about us? Why after all this time of not wanting to see you, did you finally decide to show up now? Why do you know where I live?" Soul asks. "You ask too many questions" Souls dad starts. "I'll answer then for you" he finishes. Soul then faints. "Soul!" Me and Maka yell in unison. "Oh I guess you too should join him" Souls dad says before my vision starts to go black.

Word count: 1498

Soul x Kid ~ BittersweetWhere stories live. Discover now