Chapter 11

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Kids POV:

After Soul, Maka, and I finished eating breakfast we decided to chill in the living room for a bit. We needed a relaxing day after what happened yesterday.

Sure it wasn't the most productive thing we could be doing but it helped us get our mind off things. All of our minds have been tormented these past few days and this was just what we needed to ease the tension.

Our laughter and voices began to quiet when footsteps were heard approaching. Another, forgotten, figure with albino hair and crimson eyes turned to corner facing us. Throughout our conversation we forgot about Soul's dad.

"Hi son, can I have a word with you?" He spoke.

Soul slowly stood up and walked over to his father where he was greeted with.. a hug? It was surprising to say the least. From the brief interaction that I had with Soul's dad from the day prior it seemed like their relationship was unstable.

Soul seemed completely against the hug. His body tensing up the second his dad wrapped his arms around him. His face portraying pure shock. It seemed unreal to him that his dad is hugging him. All Soul did was stand there and wait until his father let go. He didn't give any sorta of affection back.

"Listen Soul... I want you to come back home" his father said abruptly. Soul just shook his head in response.

"Please! Everyone misses you"

Soul laughed at this. "Really?"

"Yes, even if you can't compare to Wes you're still our family"

"That's it! That's the reason I left. I'm not going back" the tone of Soul's voice increased and anger could be pinpointed. His fists clenched at his sides. Maka and I took a worried glance at each other.

"You are part of the Evans family, therefore you must come home and be the musician your supposed to be even if you bad at it. You will play and play until you finally start playing magnificently" his father demanded.

"What don't you get about no. My answer isn't changing"

"Soul please-"

"Just leave" Soul cut his father off.

"Soul listen to me" his father pleaded. He wasn't listening. He walked past his father ignoring every following word to come out of his mouth. He opened the door, stepping inside to let his father out. If he didn't think Soul's request was serious now it sure as hell was now. Soul's father looked petrified at the fact that he was kicking him out.

"Soul if you do this I will sue you for harming me"

At at that phrase Soul's eyes seemed to bug out of his head. Despite the fact of his widening eyes, his face still kept the same uninterested look. His eyes relaxed back down into their natural squinty position.

"You wouldn't sue your own son"

"Oh yeah? Watch me. You harmed me and the injuries are still here. One glance at me and your done for. They'll believe me, a proper Evans over a lame ass who cant even play the right songs" Soul's dad seemed to be getting more furious by the minute. And as his anger grew Soul's was slowly shrinking into fear but a pit of utter rage was still bowling inside of him.

Years of pure hatred and fury towards his father, maybe even his entire family could all be seen radiating from Soul. It was easy to tell that Soul had absolutely no interest in ever returning back home.

"At least I had the human decency to patch up your wounds but you don't even have any of that. Suing me all because I don't want to go back home to that house where I was constantly ashamed and compared to Wes, the one person in the house who will actually listen to me? Take a look at yourself and ask who the hell the real "lame ass" is. If I'm seeing clearly it's written on bold all over your face. So get out of my house and don't even think about suing me because I won't come home to the place you made a living nightmare"

Silence hung in the air for a few moments. Soul's words had to seemed to have an effect on his dad. His dad slowly made his way over to the door in short, drawn out, strides. He hesitantly rose his hand up and placed it on the top of Soul's head. Soul just stood there. Not rejecting the touch but not leaning into the touch either.

"Soul... please at least visit someday" he pleaded. He slowly ruffled Soul's hair before retracting his hand away and headed out the door. Soul turned so he could see his father.

"Maybe... Goodbye"

"Goodbye, Soul"

And with those 4 parting words, Soul slammed the door in his face. He stood there almost frozen. I would think he was dead if I couldn't see the slight raise of his shoulders when he breathed. He then turned, leaning against the door and slowly slide down it. He just sat there. He looked, numb.

Maka and I looked at each other. We didn't know wether we should go over and talk to him or let him be. We both stayed firmly planted on the couch. Neither of us dared to move even though we wanted to go over to try and wipe that look of his face. We took another glance at each other and basically talked through telepathy. Somehow we both knew we were thinking the same thing.

We carefully rose from the couch and made our way over to Soul. His eyes did not stop staring into the floor. He didn't take a single glance at either of us. We crouched down slowly next to him so we could get a better look of his face.

"Soul?" I spoke slowly and softly. All that was received was silence. I carefully reached for Soul's hand, Maka following my actions. I took Soul's left hand in mine while Maka took his right in hers. Slowly Soul began to lift his head finally making eye contact with the both of us.

"I want this to be over. All of it" Soul said finally speaking up.

"To do that we would have to kill the little ogre but how do we get back there?" Maka asked to no one in particular.

"I can try to" Soul responded. His eyebrows were furrowed.

Maka and I glanced at each other before nodding. We turned our attention back to Soul. He slowly closed his eyes. About 20 seconds later his grip on mine and Maka's hands tightened. My vision began to blur and colors began blending together. My eyelids began to weigh down.

The weight on them began to lift and as I opened my eyes I saw I was in the black blood room again. Looking around everything was still the same and both Maka and Soul were here.

The eerie voice comes back "Long time no see". The little ogre steps into the light, grinning madly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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