Parents Day

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"Children begin by loving their parents; after a time they judge them, rarely, if ever, do they forgive them"
- Oscar Wilde

Josephine walked into Chilton with her father at her side, her face held a mutual expression as her father held a small smile as he nodded to familiar faces. It was quieter than any other day, the students of Chilton would stand by their lockers with their parents, most of which would be laughing with friends. This wasn't the case for Joshua as he jogged up to the Weston pair. Wrapping his arm around the girl's shoulder he whispered something into her ear before his mother called after him. He only gave a wave to her father before jogging off.

"Was that the Realington boy?" Her father watched the boy jog away with a confused expression.

"No, that was Josh Lennox, he's a friend" Stopping at her locker the girl pulled her Lit book from her locker and started making her way to Medinas class, her father close behind.

      Finally reaching the classroom and finding her spot Jo could finally breathe, until Spencer sat down behind her and ruffled her hair.

      "Come on Spence, I just did my hair" Turning around the girl came face to face with a smirking Gilmore, her hands went to her hair; attempting to fix it.

      "Why so grumpy Josie?" The boy was practically radiating happiness right now, which only pissed off Josephine.

      "I think you're the only kid in this school who doesn't mind having their parents here" She huffed out and watched as the classroom was beginning to fill up.

      "I forgot how hot your dad is" Veronica sat down next to Jo as she looked at her father.

      "Ronnie you cannot be serious right now"

      "Oh i'm dead serious, look at him" The four of them now looked over at Alexzander Weston, James, who just sat down followed their lead confusingly.

"I don't know what we are looking at but have you guys seen this" He hands Spencer the newspaper article about Paris' parents.

"I don't know why the papers even care enough to print this, it's a divorce not a murder" Jo rolled her eyes at the two boys. Of course she heard about Paris' parents, she read that article. Then realizing how this was actually effecting lives, and she threw it away.

      The group of four turned to the front as the bell rang signaling the start of class.

The eight friends sat at their usual lunch table when whispers were being aimed in their direction, well in Spencer's direction. Rory came storming over to the table and grabbed Spencer's sleeve and pulling him out of the lunch room, whispering aggressively into his ear.

"What the hell was that?" James watched his best friend being pulled away, much like the other six.

"What is everyone whispering about?" Kat whipped her head around looking for an answer. Her question was soon answered when Paris walked over to the table.

"A mom was just seen making out with Mr Medina" The smirking Paris walked away.

"Is it bad to say i'm jealous?" Jo spoke up her head resting on her palm.

"I thought we agreed Mr Medina was mine?" Ronnie shot the girl a playful glare. The two girls made a list of which guys from the school they had 'dibs' on, Jo had picked almost all of the hockey team plus their assistant coach.

"I'm just looking" Josephine smirked at her blonde friend.

"Who picked me for their dibs?" James interrupted the girls, only getting a smirk from the both of them.

"Okay we have bigger things to worry about" Lilian broke up the conversation.

"Mr Medina totally just took my woman" Charlie stabbed his food with his fork as the other just gave him an awkward stare.

"I'm going to go look for Spence" Jo stood up discarding her salad.

      It wasn't long before Josephine found Spencer sitting on a bench in the hallway staring and seemingly nothing, sitting down next to the boy she didn't say anything for what felt like minutes.

      "I think everyone is just jealous that it wasn't them making out with Mr Medina" The girl looked at the boy-who finally looked at Jo gave a smile.

      "I could care less about that, my mom and I got into a fight and I told her I wasn't coming home for dinner" He began to laugh at his own words.

      "Wow, never took you for the stupid type" She watched his eyes roll before looking back at the girl. It was like deja vu when she realized how close they where, she remembered that night in her car; she swore he almost kissed her. And she has yet to tell any of her friends. The two teens were quickly snapped out of it as the bell rang signaling the end of class. Standing up they quickly parted ways only for Josephine to run into Veronica.

      "What just happened on that bench?" Ronnie was smirking as she spoke quietly.

      Rolling her eyes Jo opened her locker, dismissing the question, only making Ronnie grow more curious.

      "C'mon Jo, I thought I was your best friend"

      "It was just a moment" Looking at Ronnie's puppy dog eyes she gave in "Okay one of two moments" Jo quickly started to walk towards the History room, only for Veronica to come up behind her with the biggest smile.

      "How could you not tell me?! that's like best friend code, and I'm your best friend and Spencer's friend, so tell me everything" Ronnie began to rant before the bell rang once more and Jo mouthed a quick 'later' to her best friend, who gave a wide smile in return.

Short chapter but I really wanted to post something.

Remember to keep voting and commenting!!

- Sof

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