Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Please Daddy. The boys can come with. Please." I say look at my dad with mu big sea colored eyes. I pout my pouty lips and start doing my puppy dog eyes. "Please let me go onto land to finish my school."

He looks like he is about to cry. Imagine a 6'10 guy, with a bunch of muscles, black close cropped hair, and green eyes. "So much like your mother." He puts his hand on my face, stroking my cheeks. A tear falls out of his eye.

"Oh, Daddy." I say and wipe his tear. I climb onto his lap and he holds me close crying.  We stay like that forever.

"A long time ago your mother and I met at a high school on land and I think I should give you that chance to find your mate that way." I pull away from him, look him in the eye to see if he is telling the truth. 

"Really?" I ask, hopeful.

"Really, but only if you take your brothers." He says smiling.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I say climbing off his lap and doing my happy dance. 

"Anything to make you happy cupcake." Dad says, smiling. "BOYS!"dad yells.

My 7 brothers run into the room. Edward and Jacob are 18 year old twins. They both have black hair but Edward has green eyes while Jacob has brown. Edward is 3 minutes older so he has the golden tail which represents that he is next in line for king. The rest of us have royal blue tails representing direct blood relation to the king. They both are 6'8. Next the 17 year old triplets Ryan, Leo, and James come in. Ryan is a red head with brown eyes, Taylor has a brown hair and green eyes, and James has red hair green eyes. They are all 6'7. Next Jason and Percy come in. They are my triplets, we are all 16 and I am the youngest. Jason has blonde hair and sky blue eyes while Percy has curly black hair with my eye color. Our eye color change to whatever the closest part of the ocean looks like, at night they are almost black. I have long, ice blonde, curly, waist long hair. They are both 6'10 while I am 4'9. I got my shortness from my mom who was 5 foot even. 

They are all almost 2 feet taller than me. It should be expected, almost all Mermaids are 5'11 and taller. It is extremely rare to meet a mermaid under 5'7. The shortest person, besides my mom, that I met was 5'8, and she had to be high heels to be see over the crowd.

"What is it Father?" Gosh, Edward is so formal. Fun fact about me is that I hate cussing and I have a slight form of ADHD.

"Well sons, Megan wants to go to school above land, to the school where I met your mom. Sadly that school closed but I said that she could go to a school close to it, but all of you boys have to go." My dad says crossing his arms. The boys look at me, I pull my puppy face and clasp my hands together.

"Fine! Just put the darn puppy dog eyes away." Percy says shielding his eyes. I giggle.

"I am warning you, you have to stay by your sister at all times because there is werewolves." Dad stops because protests have been heard from all the boys, but dad holds his hand up. "Boys, I know you all want to meet your mates, and this is a good idea. I already talked to the Alpha to tell his pack that he has special human friends coming and if anyone harms them then they get a punishment." The boys look relived.

Only after a person turns into an Alpha and/or Luna do the find out about mermaids. Female mermaid's blood have the power to slow down and illness or help heal. The queen's or Princess blood will completely cure or heal them. Four years ago an Alpha took my mom, used all her blood to cure his cancer, and didn't tell anyone. I even more special, my blood is like the fountain of youth. I am the first princess to be born in 12 centuries.  I look at my dad.

"Boys take good care of your sister Rember her powers." Oh yah, I have the power to control, freeze, and heat water.  "Also Rember 1 drop of water and you have a tail in 30 seconds. Then you have to be completely dry before you get your legs back." He says looking onto each of our eyes. 

"Megan, you have a full wardrobe, Iphone, laptop, and makeup. Also don't forget I got all of you cars." Dad says. 

"Where are we going?" I ask swishing my tail back and forth.


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