Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

As we skip together down the hall I start to ask her questions. 

"So, is your hair naturally straight or did you flatten it?" I ask her. I slowly stop skipping, because she is almost 1 foot taller, it is hard to skip with her.

"Natural, did you curl you hair because girllllllll your hair is perfection. What curler did you use?" Kat says.

"Natural." I say with a smirk. Very few mermaids have naturally curly hair, and I love my hair.

"I hate you. My hair will not hold a curl for the life of me." She says with a pout.

"Mine will not stay straight for longer than 3 hours. It is like pouf! Curls." I say, throwing my hands in the air.

"I like you. You got an interesting personality. My brother scares everyone else off, so no one wants to be my friend." She says.

"I feel your pain. Try 7 over protective brothers. Yesssh." I say with a giggle.

"Best friends." She holds out her hand.

"Best friends." I take her hand. "Now let's find this locker because class starts in 4 minutes." I say as I hear the warning bell.  

"Run." Kat says, grabbing my hand and running.

"Slow down chica, I am inn heels and my legs are shorter that yours." I yell as I pull on her hand to slow down. She turns around with pink cheeks.

"Sorry. Anyhow, this is your locker." I grab out my paper that has my locker number and I turn to 13, then 14, lastly 15. So original.  I open the locker and see a cork board on the door, and 2 shelves. The bottom one has 4 text books.

 Math, science, language arts, and sign language. I take a look at my schedule, I have sign language first, and then language arts, then math, then free period, then lunch, then science, than PE.

I grab my sign language book, and replace that with my laptop. 

"You have a blue laptop!" Kat exclaims.

"Sí. I am also already fluent in sign language. Also French, Greek, Latin, and Spanish. Actually my whole family is." I say, I look at her, while I close my locker.

 "Punishment for making me run is that you have to give me a piggy pack ride for the rest of the day." I say with a smirk.

"What?" She exclaims. I see my brothers, come to their lockers, 5 away from mine. 

"Running?" Jason asks. I nod.

"Heels?" Percy asks. I nod again.

"Piggy back rides?" They ask together.

"You batcha." I say with a smile.

"You got off easy. Last time Ryan did that she made him carry her around the mall, carrying her bags, and pay for everything." Jason says. I can see Percy and Kat just looking at eachother.

"What he broke my ankle. He could have had worse. I could have told dad." I defend, shrugging my shoulders.

Percy makes a face "His protectiveness makes Edwards look like a tinny dog trying to protect someone from their little sister. Which is little."

"Perce, you need better similes because that made no sense." I say looking confused.

"To simplify Edward is extremely overprotective and my dad is Edward times a 1000. He won't let Megan out of the house without at least 1 brother." Percy explains.

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