First Paragraphs of rewrite

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She opens her eyes and there is only one thought in her head, run. She has no idea where, but she needs to run far away from here. Throwing the blanket off of her body she gasps, where are her clothes. Does she even own clothes? What is she even doing here? How did she get here? The door burst open and she squeaks, hurrying to cover her body with the blanket.

"J!" the woman yells, "she is awake!" Her eyes grow big, who is this woman. Does she know her? Does she know why she is naked? The lady focuses on her again.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you, sweetie. My name is Lana, and my husband Jackson will be up shortly with some food." She almost wants to plead for Lana to stay and answer her questions. Within seconds Lana reenters with a tall man. She gasps holding the blanket closer to her chest.

"Here you go, some nice and warm soup," the man sets the tray on the bed before backing away from her.

Lana asks a question next, "What's your name sweetheart?" She thinks very hard, but only one word comes to mind. Addison.

"I think, Addison?" Lana smiles at her.

"Well Addison, we will let you eat in peace. The bathroom is through that door," she says pointing to a door on the left, "on the counter is some of my daughter's old clothes that I hope will fit you."

"Thank you," Addison whispers as they leave the room. 

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