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MIKAYLA decided to stay in that day instead of meeting the Pogues, incase Cory came home. Who knows what could've happened to him?

By the time the sun had began setting, he still hadn't shown. Mikayla finally decided that she should probably text him, to end up being left on read.

He never does that. He was never the type to open his messages without leaving a reply.


Mikayla decided to go see her best friend, hoping for answers, who knows, she might've had contact with him considering they're dating.

The girls spoke about the situation for a while, Gracie suggested to ask Rafe been as whenever Cory was acting strange in any way, it was usually Rafe's doing.


Gracie only lived a few blocks from the Camerons, so they walked over to the house, hoping Cory would be there or even Rafe, who would hopefully know where he is.

As they approached the house, they noticed a familiar face, Topper, reversing his car outside. The girls quickly caught up to him before he could drive away, ordering him to roll down his window.

Mikayla banged on the window lightly and doing a small gesture in hopes that he would understand her request.

"What?" He said, grumpily, after stopping his car.

"Happened to have seen Rafe or Cory today, or both?" Mikayla asked, hoping for a yes.

"Not since this morning." Topper informed them, brushing a hand through his blonde locks.


"Just before him and Cory left to go see that Barry guy. What are you, stalkers?"

"Barry? as in... Barry Barry?"

"Yeah, I haven't-" Topper started, getting interrupted.

"Wait, with Cory? Holy shit." Mikayla interrupted, shocked. She knew that meant Cory was up to something.


The girls somehow managed to convince Topper to drive them to Barry's.

"Why are they hanging with some hooligan on the cut? Doesn't that seem weird to you?" Gracie questioned as they pulled onto the property.

"We're here. Can I leave now? Got somewhere to be." Topper said, looking over at Mikayla, who was in the passenger's seat and then at Gracie, who sat in the back. Neither of them didn't seem to be getting out.

"No you can not. What if we get lost? What if they already left and we're just stranded at some random guys house? What if we get kidnapped?" Gracie whined, thinking of all the terrible possibilities that could happen whilst they were there.

"I'm gonna regret this." Topper sighed as he unbuckled his seatbelt, hopping out the car.

"You coming or what?"

The girls hopped out of the car, before going to catch up with him, who had already began walking.

music was blasting through a loud speaker from inside the house that could be heard from miles away and inside were a group of men, each sat on their own chair watching a show on the small, old looking tv infront of them.

"Barry here?" Topper asked, directing the question toward the man who appeared the most sober of the 3, yet still held a stella in his left hand, and blunt in his right.

"Mhmm," The guy murmured, downing the rest of his almost empty can, holding it up and pointing toward the other room with his free pinky.

570 words.

A/N: I know this chapter is a bit boring and really short so Thank you for reading this far!!

edits: 12/04/24

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