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Mikayla lay in her bed, in an attempt to fall asleep, yet all her mind could dwell on was what Cory had said no more that thirty minutes before. 'Rafe thought so.'

'What the fuck does that mean.' She pondered to herself, watching the ocean from the measly gap in her blinds. Waves crashed against colossal rocks that stood beneath her balcony. The spray of saltwater being thrown into the air, which beautifully caught the moonlight, shimmering like diamonds.

Mikayla got out of bed, despite the time. She only realised when she looked over at the digital clock on her bedside once she had sat up. 02:17, it read.

She quickly grabbed a grey sweater too keep her from shivering, also going to grab a few items from inside her walk-in closet once she pulled on a pair of velvety socks over her ankles.

She slowly twisted the handle of her balcony door after pulling opening the blinds. The sound of the heavy waves and splashes increased as she carefully slid her body past the few inches of the glass door she allowed herself to squeeze through.

The breathtaking sight soothed her mind as the moonlight shone down on the ocean. Any bad thought her mind absorbed had instantly departed in that moment. She finally felt at peace as she leant against the glass railings of her balcony.

After a few moments, whilst Mikayla appreciated the astonishing view, she carefully reached into the pocket of her sweater. She pulled out a lighter, along with a joint, that had been kept in her closet for 'emergency use', along with a few others.

She conclusively relaxed again once she had eventually managed to light the joint, after multiple attempts of using her left hand to block the wind from blowing out the flame.

The moonlight cast an eerie light on the scene, something Mikayla found unusually peaceful. The water transformed into an amazingly ravishing shade of blue.

It was a serene and mesmerizing sight to behold. One that captivates the senses and leaves a lasting impression, especially for her, who had recently learnt to appreciate each and every little thing that came her way.

She had finally felt at peace and in sense of tranquility as she took an extended drag of her joint, one of which that sends that tingling feeling down her throat as she inhaled, quickly deminishing for a small duration of the time she exhaled, which soothed the harshness of the puff.

Mikayla had repeated this process multiple times, cherishing the feeling more and more each time, analysing the reduction, ash calmly peeling away as it began to float and dance in the mildly frigid breeze.


She briefly froze. The voice faint, yet distinct and clear, which completely puzzled her, her eyes scanning the area in search of the source.

She had already hidden the joint behind her back, rather than putting it out quickly. She didn't feel like wasting it, regardless of the fact she didn't want to get caught.

"What are you doing?" The voice spoke again, to which she had finally found where it came from.

Rafe. Of course it had to be him, out of all people.

"What are you doing?" Mikayla said cleverly, Mimicking what had had just said, in return.

"Oh my God." He spoke in a tone so hushed it came out in almost a whisper. She found his words strangely attractive, yet would never admit it. Not even to herself.

She didn't have to.

Silence broke out as she began picking at her nails, waiting for him to say something or just walk away as a baseline.

"You could atleast give me some." Rafe suggested, crossing his arms as he desperately attempted to change the subject.

"I don't know what your talking about." She said, calmly, smiling down at him. Her heartbeat wasn't as calm as her face though. Her heart race increased as she realised he had already seen it.

"Yeah, yeah." He sighed, backing up, unable to take his eyes off of Mikayla until he turned back around and walked along the rocks.

Once he was finally out of her sight, Mikayla pulled the joint from behind her back, putting it to her lips and inhaling from time to time.



Mikayla had received a text, going inside to grab her phone from her bedside as she wondered who on earth would be texting her at this time of night.

'Aren't you supposed to be clean?'

The message read, she knew exactly who it was as she began typing, although it did catch her off guard slightly. He didn't necessarily strike her as the type to care.

'I am, but weed doesn't count, dumbass.' She responded, before going outside to toss the remains of her joint.

'It should, Mikayla. It's not good for you.'

Mikayla went back to bed after reading it. But just like what Cory had said, she couldn't get this off of her mind either. Why did this random guy have to keep messing with her head today?

843 words.
apologies this ones short
Had a lot of fun writing this chapter!

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