chapter 9

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Y/N pov

Everything is going well and mom and my new dad's wedding . I really happy for my mom. Mr park say that I can call him dad from now on. It is a bit awkward but I am still doing it for my mum.

But I was attending the function and my mean focus was the food .I was in the food section a group of girls came to  my side and start to say whatever about me.

They were saying that I have men's cottage smell from my body because I have slept with my guys . They was saying so many bad and nasty things about me. I feel like crying I couldn't do anything. When I decided to say something to them.  All the ladies came to me and started to say more nasty things about me and called me with bad names. I was feeling bad and humiliated but couldn't do anything. Because it was my Mom's wedding and I don't want to make a seen that's why I have gone to the rooftop.

When I reach the rooftop I saw someone smoking there. But I was started to go back when I realise it was jay.

I thought of asking him about the driver because I wanted to go home after all of this . When I reach there I was  about to say his name . sudden I start coughing oh my God I forgot about my asthma. I can't bear the smell of the smoke of cigarette.

Hearing my coughing jay looked at me and asked me" what "? With an annoyed face.

I pointed at his cigarette and he then gave a long sign then stump his cigarette on his feet. After after that he asked me what happened and what am I doing here.

I told him that I wanted to go home and he said " call the driver not me" with an attitude and rudeness in his voice. I said that I didn't know where the driver is. He took out his phone and called a number told something on the phone and then put it down.

After that I was about to say thank you but my legs slept by a can. I was about to fall but jay save me. he was looking at me in this awkward position but I was in total shock he was about to say something but he just let go off his hand from my wrist and I fall on the hard floor. I looked at him disbelieved. But he just went from there.

When I went down I saw Sunghoon waiting outside the car.  he give me a sign to get inside the car but I ask him what he was doing here. he said the driver car was broken so I have to go with him. I was about to deny it but give me a look so I could not say anything.

The car ride was silent but not awkward it was a comfortable silence.I was looking through the window not seeing any one eye's but I can feel stare at me.
After some times I fall asleep in the car.

Sunghoon pov

I looked at my side and saw y/n is already asleep. I slow down the car so that . After reaching home I saw she still was sleeping soundly. So I didn't wake her up and carry her and went inside the home. After I come inside home the maid was looking at me and y/n with wide eyes. I gave them a glare and all of them lower there eyes. I asked them were  y/n room is . They told me and put her in the bed and I put some hair out of her face.

After I went out of the room .I got a call from jungwon. I pick it up.

Jungwon said, "Did you got the news of driver been in the hospital. he was badly injured. Do you have any idea about it ?"

"No " I said and cut the call.



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