Pettalia Part I

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Tony: *sits quietly at a table* What are we doing here?

Kuma: I'm finally free! *small tail wags and jumps around before taking a seat*

Tony: You don't like Canada?

Kuma: Who's Canada? Oh the floating glasses! He NEVER feeds me!

Tony: Oh...

FMB: *flies above seat then sits on the table* Why are we here exactly?

Tony: I guess it's a meeting...

Gilbird: My owner is the most awesome!

Turtle: *flips over on back and flails legs*

Pookie: MEOW! *sits down*

Tony: Well I guess we should start! Blackie you go first!

Blackie: *stands up* My owner, Germany is good! He feeds us and plays with us all the time!

Tony: Thank you Blackie!

Mr. Puffin: *squawks and flaps wings* This is boring! Can't we go outside?

Tony: *hits forehead with palm* Why didn't we do that?! EVERYONE! LETS GO OUTSIDE!

All: YEAH!!!! *runs outside*


Pookie: *chasing Pochi around*

Pochi: *runs away*

Neko: (Greece's cat. I had to one a name so....) *tackles Pookie and paws his whiskers*

Pookie: *laughs and paws Neko's whiskers*

Tony: *swinging on a swing*

Kuma: *on the other swing on stomach* Ack!

Tony: You're not doing that right....

Turtle: *spinning on back* *stops at a tomato and starts eating it*

Mr. Panda: *hanging from tree eating bamboo*

Miffy: *playing on a seesaw with Toto the elephant*

Toto: *laughs and presses on the seesaw*

Anubis: *laying down practicing magic*

Mr. Puffin: *flying after FMB*

Mari Belle: *being fabulous*

Gilbird: *sitting on top of the slide being a Gilbird*

Windy: (Had to name Sealand's seagull) *flies around Mr. puffin*

Muffin: (Also had to name his goat) *eating grass*

Titan: (named Spain's bull) *horns stuck in a tree*

Blackie: *just sits there*

Hana: *chases tail yipping*

Neko: WE ARE THE ALL MIGHTY CAT GODS!!! *stands on top of the rock wall with Pookie and Pochi*

Pookie: FEAR US!!!!

Pochi: Meow...!

Pookie and Neko: RAWR!!!!!!!

Blackie: *stands up tall with Hana and Anubis at side on the sidewalk* WE ARE THE DOG GODS!!!

Hana: Yip Yip!

Anubis: *stands up tall*

Blackie: Wait are you even a dog? *looks at Anubis*

Anubis: *shrugs* I don't know.

Hana: WOOOOOOF!!!!!!

Mr. Puffin: *spreads wings with Gilbird and Windy at sides on the monkey bars* WE ARE THE FLYING BIRD GODS!!!! WE ARE THE ALL MIGHTY!!!

Gilbird: Fear me!

Windy: *flaps wings* We have the power of flight!!!!

Birds: YEAH!!!!

Titan: *Mari Belle and Muffin at side on the play ground* WE ARE THE HOOF GODS!!! WE'RE THE FASTEST!!!!

Muffin: YEAH WE ARE!!! *rears up*

Mari Belle: *flips mane* And Fabulous!

Muffin: Yeah we are!

Mr. Panda: *on top of the slide with Miffy and Turtle* WE ARE THE GODS OF TININESS!!!


Turtle: WE ARE SO FEARSOME WE- *falls down slide* I fell...

Gilbird: *flies down and picks Turtle up* *places him back in his spot then goes back to the other birds*

Turtle: Thanks dude!

Gilbird: No problem!


Pookie: *raises paw*

Turtle: Yes?

Pookie: We don't wear pants...


Toto: *Kuma and FMB at sides* *standing on the seesaw* WE ARE THE SOFT GODS!!!!

Mr. Puffin: But you aren't soft!

Toto: SHUT UP!!!


Kuma: I'm a big bad polar bear! *growls*

Toto: You tried...

FMB: *pats Kuma's back*

Tony: I'm Tony!

All: *face paw*

Neko: ATTACK!!!

All: *starts attacking each other but aren't even hurting each others*

Pet owners: *stand there*

Germany: This is what happens if we leave our pets alone...

All owners: *nods in agreement*

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