The Lions Cub

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Lion lay on the sandy beach. He watched the wave splash onto shore.

The purple Crystal Gem walks down to the beach when she saw the lion. "Lion? What are you doing down here?"

The lion huffs out a breath.

"Steven not here to play, huh?"
Amethyst sat next to Lion.

Lion nods.

"I'm always here." The purple gem smiled.

Lion looks up at the purple gem.

"Yes me!"

Lion nuzzles Amethyst and lays his head on her lap. Amethyst shape shifts into a cat and she lays down, curled up in the pink lions mane


The purple gem growled. She looked at her opponent as she circles him. Her claws dug into the dirt bellow her.

The pink lion stared at the lioness, circling she as she did. They both stop and stare.

Amethyst made the first move, lunging herself at the the enemy

Lion roars and rolls to the side, avoiding the lioness. He growls a bit

Amethyst stopped quickly and runs at the enemy again. Her claws dug more into the ground. She lunges at the opponent and pins him to the ground. "Gotcha!"

Lion puts his paw on Amethysts chest and flips her down on her back. He growls happily with his victory.

"Fine you win!"

Lion gets up off of Amethyst.

The purple gem shape shifts back into a human and she smiles widely. "Come on, Lion!"


"Hey Pearl?" The half-gem asks

"Yes Steven?" Pearl answers, looking at the boy.

"Where's Lion? I haven't seen him all day."

"Lion." Garnet walks up to them. "He's with Amethyst."

"Amethyst? Lions with Amethyst?"



"Well you haven't been here to play with him, so I'm guessing Amethyst decided to be with him for a couple of days."

Pearl nods her head. "That's a good theory."

"Well I was hanging out with Connie and..."

"Hey dudes!" Amethyst walks in, followed by Lion.

"Lion!" Steven hugs his furry pink friend.

Lion looks down at the half-gem and nuzzles his face.

Amethyst looks at them and fakes a smile. "You're finally back to be with your pet! Good for you!" She walks out, without another word



Amethyst was slammed against the wall with such force, the wall cracked.

The black monster shrieked as it wraps one of its tentacles around Amethyst. It hisses and it looks into her eyes

Amethyst starts to struggle, she couldn't summon her energy whip or fight back. It angered her that she was so helpless.

The monster narrows its eyes and throws Amethyst up into the air. It claws her across the chest, then slams her down into a rock. Amethyst crumbles to the floor. She lets out a shriek of agony before everything became black.


Lions ears perk up.

"Lion? What's wrong?" Steven asks

Lion sniffs the air then starts running.

"Lion?!" Steven looks at the other Crystal Gems. "Come on!

Garnet and Pearl get up and they follow the half-gem and Lion


Lion comes to a halt.

The monster turns to him and roars

Lion roars louder. That's when he sees Amethyst on the floor. Anger shot through Lion. He lunged at the monster, tearing and scratching at its skin.

"Lion!" Steven yells when he gets to the scene

Garnet and Pearl were shocked to Lion so aggressive. Pearl forms her spear and Garnet forms her gauntlets.

Lion lets the Crystal Gems handle the monster. The pink lion nudges the bleeding purple gem with his nose. He whimpers

Steven runs over to his pet and bends down to Lion. "A-Amethyst..?"

Pearl runs over to them when the monster is killed by Garnet.
She stares at the hurt gem. "We need to bring her back to the temple!"

Lion roars.

"Put Amethyst on his back." Steven orders

Pearl nods and hoists the younger gem onto Lions back.


Lion was curled around the young purple gem to keep her warm and safe.

"Wow. I never knew Lion could be this protective." Garnet says

Lion was protecting Amethyst like she was his cub, not wanting anyone near her. He's already snapped at Pearl when she tried to touch Amethyst

"Uh..." Amethyst groaned and rubbed her head. Her eyes crack open and she fixes on one thing
The big furry pink figure in front of her.

Lion grumbles a happy lion sound and puts his paw on Amethysts back. He pulls her into his fluffy chest, like a hug.

"He saved you." Pearl says watching the happy moment

"What?" Amethyst looks at Pearl

"Lion saved you. If it wasn't for him you might of been dead." Steven says. "And. I think he's better off in your hands, Amethyst."

"Wait, what?! He's your pet though."

Steven smiles. "I'll still see him! But, I've been with Connie a lot and everyone else. I haven't been able to spend time with Lion. But you do. And he really likes you. So please take care of Lion for me."

Amethyst sits their for a moment that smiles widely. "You got it!" She turns to Lion.

Lion yawns happily and crashes down on Amethyst.


Steven laugh at the struggling purple gem. "Now you can feel what I feel! Hahaha!"


Amethyst was asleep in the sun.

Lion walks outside and sees his new owner. He walks over to her and lays right on top of her.


Lion starts licking Amethysts hair like he would a cub.

"Lion stop it! You're messing up MY mane!"

Lion stops for a moment then starts licking Amethyst again


Steven, Pearl and Garnet pass by the struggling gem.

"Guys help!"

The 3 look at each other and smirk

Steven shrugs. "I wasn't LION when I said he was your responsibility now."

"Huh?!" Amethysts eyes widen

"But that's what you get for LION around!" Pearl adds

Amethyst narrows her eyes and lays her head down on Lions paws in defeat. "You know what. Just leave...."

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