The Rebellion

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When we stepped back from stage, I felt the adrenaline still running through my veins. It felt amazing. Being there with my Haz and Nialler was awesome. I never realised how much I missed it until tonight. It was never meant to be like that, though. We were just going to sing Little Things and the show was done. Him, knowing me like he did, knew I wanted to at least give that to the fans there, give that little piece of myself, sing even if very few of my songs to them.

We talked about this for a long time, coming out. His management and mine had been trying to get us to wait longer before letting the world know we are together, but we were done waiting. Hiding in plain sight, developing a language of our own, dealing with PR relationships, suffering from being away from each other. We had both reached an age where priorities change, and we just want to be together, whatever that might imply for my career and his. Of course, he has much more at stake than me, he is this immense rockstar, one who moves masses. Still, he was willing to trade a piece of that for us.

We wanted to do this our way. We thought so much about how to do it. I wanted so many times to show up with him to a red carpet, to hold his hand proudly as I do in our intimacy, showing off the gorgeous engagement ring he gave me when he proposed, instead of having to take it off every time I did a photo shoot or went out. We found out the best option was to do it like this, in a concert when he has full control of the event. Jeff always dealt with me visiting, and we even learnt we couldn't plan visits too early because they would try to talk us out of it, saying it was too risky, that it was better not to do see each while he toured, so I usually just texted him saying I was coming, not caring about them.

We were heading to the dressing room with Niall and the rest of the band, laughing. We were hyped, Pauli had finally got the chance to dance to Pillowtalk, Mitch told me he had a blast going along with my voice in Sour Diesel and Ny-Oh joked about why I loved Haz so much I had to write Let me about him and not about her. Niall seemed like he was about to choke of laughter when he complaint about us.

"Bois, I've been dealin' with these two mofos since we were teens. You have no idea what it was to try to get them under control and not kiss on stage. They were always so bloody close to do that, Jesus."

"Heeeeyyy! That is not true!" Haz cried, but we knew he was lying. Ni was right. We had such a hard time not kissing all the time, we did some wild shit back then.

"He's just a jealous twat, babe, don't mind him." I said, kissing his cheek. He blushed and I giggled. How is it that he still blushes from my PDAs in front of his band?

We laughed some more, and I opened the door for them. T had everything arranged for us, she was even monitoring real time the internet, getting all comments and impressions on what we just did. So, when I saw her sitting on the couch waiting for us, and saw she was smiling, was like a fucking weight got lifted from my shoulders. The response had been positive, at least what we could measure so far.

We sat with her and started chatting and joking. Few minutes later, Jeff and Irvin showed up. The energy of the room shifted, and it was so clear for all, that even Niall stopped smiling. The band and Taryn surrounded us, as Harry was comfortably sitting on my lap.

"Harry, you must certainly know what that whole act out there caused." Irvin said, wryly.

"What you seem to not understand, Irvin, is that there was no acting out there. That was plain me, us."

"We still haven't given the news of the end of the contract, Harry. You could've waited for a while longer before throwing this shitstorm on us." Jeff added, and I could see he was still mad.

"Again, I respect both of you, and I appreciate all you have done for me all these years, but I told you, Jeff. I told you about not waiting anymore. Zayn and I deserve to be together without having to wait for the wellbeing of the business. Those who are my fans, will stay with me no matter what."

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