The Future

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We walked back to our house, Zach asking how it was to be in the UK, if we missed it too much, if we were planning on a collab any time soon, or if I was going to release something more... He is funny.

"He loves being a hermit, Zach. I wouldn't be surprised if he from now on dedicates his life to being a farmer and the next time you see him is on a selfie riding a horse, or a pig." Haz jokes, and I slap his bum.

"I shall not take shade from my man; you love it there too. He is more into chickens, though. I think he is scared of piggies trying to take a bite of him or something. He never goes near them." I retort.

"Shuddup, Javadd. 'M not afraid, I just think is wiser to keep a distance, y'know?"

"If it provides any consolation, I think the most farmish thing I'd do is fishing. I like animals, dude, but..."

I laugh at both. Truth is, I love my farm. The peace, the quiet, the nature. You can learn so much of you in a place like that. I know now why H chose Zach. Besides him being a big fan, he has this very soothing personality that matches mine so good. I remember all the phone interviews we had, and he was always so respectful, focused on music which is way more than many of his colleagues would do.

When we get to our house, I let them in first. This is it. I have never loved being in front of a camara, but this time I'll highly enjoy it, 'm sure. I see they created a nice space for us, we even have some non-alcoholic drinks in our coffee table should we want some, and I think someone did his homework, because I can see some Gulab Jamuns too.

So we sit, and Haz puts his hand on my thigh, and I wrap my arm around his shoulders. Zach smiles and nods to his crew. We are on.

He introduces us, thanking us for giving him the chance to talk to us and opening the doors of our house to him and his crew. What I like about Zach, is that he makes the interviews like a conversation type of thing, so it flows and makes me feel comfortable enough to share more, to speak more. As the interview progresses, we speak about our music and how indeed a lot if not all our songs are about each other.

We talk about how G knew everything about us, and I make sure to clarify that even if our relationship is over, we still coparent, and that Harry is as parent of my baby as me. Thinking about the way G and I split, I'd say we all have matured a lot. That whole shitty situation with her family is behind us, H and I, I mean, but I still want all Hadids miles away from me and my family. With G, she is and always will be the mother of my kid, but nothing more than that, ever again.

We talk about Liam and Louis not being on stage and we say we understand why it would've been hard for either to show up. I know a big portion of Louis fans took a hit when Harry and I went public. They've been believing an inexistent narrative for over a decade, though they are also H's fans, most of them support Louis more.

"So, you think this might have an impact on your careers? Same as Louis Tomlinson's? Why is that?"

"Well Zach, when we were in the band our fans liked the idea of us being with each other, y'know? So we heard of what they called shipping. We thought this was fun at first, we were young, and it didn't seem like a big thing. Then things started to get serious with some of them when we tried to deny it and Louis went feral on Twitter, like, they didn't believe it and 'm not exactly aware of how things are with them, I honestly prefer to avoid them, but looks like don't matter what we said or did they wouldn't believe we weren't a thing, and as our relationship grew, us two I mean, it got harder and harder to deal with that. To the point, Louis and I stayed as far away as possible on stage, always trying not to hurt the banter with the rest of the boys."

"Yeah, like, they paired me with Liam, some of them, yeah? It was the weirdest thing ever, as I don't recall ever behaving romantic towards him. Few of them got me and Harry figured out, though." I say, smiling at Haz and stroking his fingers, making him blush. "Liam has a lot to deal with, Zach. I know he still has his fans, but more importantly he has to get a grip for himself, yeah? Whenever you hit rock bottom, the only way you have left is up. Happened to me, happened to Harry, happened to a lot of the greatest artists out there. We all still have a shitton to do, so I truly hope Liam seeks for the help he needs and starts putting himself out in a more positive way." I add.

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