°Luxiem and Noctyx Become Enemies°

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•The scene of the fight• (Third person)

"What the hell is wrong with you, catboy!" Mysta yells. "What do you mean?! I didn't say shxt, dog!" Alban yells back. "What did Alban even say Mysta Ri-a$s!?" Sonny curses as he puts a hand on Alban's shoulder. All three of them kept cursing and fighting, until the rest joined in. But two of them, named Uki Violeta and Ike Eveland said nothing. They both just stood there. All for a sudden everyone started punching, kicking and hitting each other. Students started gathering, trying to take photos, videos, and all sorts of things. "FINE! WE WILL NEVER SPEAK TO EACH OTHER AGAIN, UNDERSTOOD?" Luca yells. "WOW YOU FINALLY HAD A GOOD IDEA IN YOUR STUPID FXCKIN' HEAD!" Fulgur yells back. Luca, Shu, and Mysta leave while Noctyx is just standing there with their angry faces. "Come on Ike, lets go." Vox says as he takes Ike's hand and starts walking. Ike takes a last look at Noctyx and he sees them glaring at him, so he quickly turns his head away. The crowd went silent, and students started leaving to their next class.

And on that day, Noctyx and Luxiem became rivals. Never to talk or see each other.. Ever, again..

°Present° (6 months after the fight)

•Ike's POV•

I'm currently heading to my last class of the day. I close my eyes, then I somehow saw myself pinned to a locker. By a guy with grey hair staring at me. "Tsk.." I hear him say, while walking away. Then I see my friends run over to me. "Ike! Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Vox said, checking my arms. "No no, I'm okay. Don't worry." I respond, while they are staring at me. "We're walking you to class. Okay?" I rolled my eyes and started walking, while hearing footsteps trailing behind me. When I got to my class, I told them that they could go to theirs. The bell than rung, and I covered my ears quickly as I can. Not everyone in the academy knows that I have a fear of bells. Crazy, right?

•Timeskip: After class•

Class has just ended, and we get to do whatever we want! I started putting my books away until I see a text, it was from the one and only, Uki Violeta. He's from Noctyx, Luxiem's enemies. None of Luxiem or Noctyx know that we secretly talking to each other. Honestly I don't even know how the fight started. It was pretty bad. I pick my phone up and start replying to Uki.


Uki: "Hey Ike!"

Ike: "Hello Uki. Do you need anything?"

Uki: "I need help with my math homework-"

Ike:  "Did you fall asleep in class again?"

Uki: "Yeahhhh. So can you help me?"

Ike: "Fine, where do you want to meet"

Uki: "Maybe at that cafe by the school?"

Ike: "Sure!"

Uki: "Nice! At 2 PM yeah?"

Ike: "Alright. Well then, see you there!"

Uki: "Okay bye!"


Well, I guess I'm meeting him at the cafe. I hope we don't get caught. (Spoiler: They are going to get caught 😭)

•Luxiem POV• (Third Person)

"I'm so boredddddd-" Mysta says before shoving a piece of pie in his mouth. "Its fine we'll find something to do." Vox says. All for a sudden, Noctyx comes into the cafe. They all look at each other, to notice Uki wasn't there with them. "That's strange.. Uki is not there. And Ike didn't come with us." Shu says as he turns back to the rest. "Yeah, that's kinda sussy.." Luca responds. They watch as Noctyx sits down, until one of the members, Sonny noticed them. He then glares at them and tells his group. After he tells them, you can hear a groan, from a brunette hair named Alban. Then there is a loud *BING!* Both Noctyx and Luxiem were startled, and they look at the door. Only to see.. Uki and Ike together, talking.. The 2 boys didn't noticed their friends looking at them, so they kept walking.

"Bxtch.." Mysta mumbles. Luca and Shu were stunned by the scene. Meanwhile, Vox was very very. Angry. And for Noctyx, they looked very angry too.

•Luxiem and Noctyx POV:

"Okay Uki do you know what to do now?" Ike asked him. "I think I do." Uki replies.  "Alright! I'll get us some drinks while you finish the problem." Ike says with a smile. Uki then hums in response. While Ike is getting drinks, there was a chance for Noctyx to speak with Uki. "Uki." Fulgur says in an angry tone. He then turns around and says, "Oh uhh hey guys~ Hehe.." he responds. "Why were you hanging out with our enemy?!" Alban yells out. Good thing that there isn't much people in the cafe. "Umm..." Uki says looking down. "Whatever.. We'll talk about this at home." Fulgur says, leaving. Alban and Sonny follow behind. A few minutes later, Ike came back with their drinks. "Here." Ike says. "Thank you." Uki replies back. The 2 were quiet for the rest of the 20 minutes, doing homework. "Hey Ike?" Uki breaks the silence. Ike hums, responding to his question. "Um. My friend's found out about us.. Like working together." Uki says with a sigh. Ike looked surprised, and then he whispered, "If Noctyx was here... Then that means Luxiem was too." Uki nodded in response, but then he noticed them. "Ike they're here!" he whispered. "We have to leave." Ike says packing his stuff. They both start packing. Ike then got up to start walking, but bumps into a familiar figure...
938 WORDS!

I hope you like the start of the new book so far! The next chapter is basically angst. So get your popcorn ready and get comfortable! Anyways, see you guys next chapter! ♡\(´▽ ')ノ♡

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