•We Found the Novelist•

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•Previous Chapter•

"Oh shoot, and find a blue flower to put next to the blade." she says. They all nod and get up. "Quick, you guys don't have much time." Grandma Eveland states, pushing them out. "Good luck!" Ike's mom yells.

And they were off, on the search of finding, Ike Eveland.


•Luxiem and Noctyx POV• (Third Person)

Vox takes out the note and reads it, so he doesn't forget the place. "Okay guys, we are nearly there." Vox states. "Shu we need your fire. It's getting a lil' dark." Mysta says as he turns to Shu. He then nods, and breaks a branch off of a tree, and lights it with his hand. Shu then hands it to Vox, since he is the one leading the boys. "Are we almost ALMOST there, Vox?" Alban asks. "Um. We are actually already here. I think we just need to find a blue flower, and Ike. "Already ahead of you." Uki says, holding a blue flower. "These are Ike's favorite kinds." he says, handing it to Vox. "Nice. Now we just need to find him." Vox says looking around. "Hm. Where would he be.." he mumbles. "Maybe spread out, that will be quicker." Fulgur states. The 7 nod, and starts to look for him.

A few minutes later, they hear someone yelling. "Hey guys- I think I found him!" Sonny yells, as the group runs to him. Ike was laying on a tree, blood scattered all over him. With a mysterious necklace on his hands. "Oh my god! He's bleeding!" Uki says running to Ike. "Vox! The knife and the flower!" he yells. Vox then runs over to Ike. He puts the knife 3 feet away from him, and the blade facing Ike. He then puts the blue flower, next to the blade. The others walked over to Ike, then sat by him. Vox took Ike's right hand, and held it, as tight as he can.

They waited.. And waited.. Until something, happened. That they didn't expect.

Fireflies started to fly around the group, and some, go onto Ike. "What the.." Luca says, looking up. "Do you think this is part of the process?" Shu asks Uki while clinging onto Luca's arm. "Maybe.." Uki says, looking back at Ike. Vox then felt something move in his hand. "He's.. He's moving..!" Vox says relieved. "Yes! Come on Ike. Wake up!" Mysta says happily. Uki holds Fulgurs hand, tightly and smiles. Ike's eyes flutter open, but doesn't open his eyes fully. He lifts his hand up, and puts it on Vox's cheek. Vox looks at Ike surprised, and says, "Ikey?" "Yes, Vox?" he responds, as Vox hugged Ike. "I was so worried for you!" he says happily. Mysta and Shu come to hug Ike too, so does Luca. They all stop hugging, and Ike looks at Uki. "Oh, Uki, come here." Ike says, as Uki jumps on Ike, hugging him as tight has he can. "I'm so sorry! I couldn't protect you from getting hurt!" Uki says, crying. "It's alright. I'm still alive." Ike says cupping Uki's cheek and wiping the tears off of his face. Ike then whispers something to Uki, and Uki nods. Then Uki tried pushing Noctyx and Luxiem out, but Vox. "Uki what the hell?!" Mysta yells. "Shut up! Their doing something. Plus we need water to clean Ike up. Let's go now before they are done!" Uki says, still pushing them out.

•With Ike and Vox• (Third Person)

The 2 boys looked at each other for a solid 5 minutes, until Ike, tried standing up. Vox then goes over to him and helps him up. He then hugged Vox, as Vox hugged tighter. "I- I'm sorry for calling you that name.." Vox said hugging Ike tighter. "It's fine! I've gotten over it now." Ike said with a smile. "But I haven't!" Vox blurted out. Ike then breaks the hug, and puts his hands over Vox's shoulders, while Vox is holding onto Ike's waist. "Again, I'm sorr-" Vox said before feeling a tiny peck on his lips. "Stop apologising, I forgave you already." Ike said with a smile. He then walks over to the knife, and puts it into his pocket. But for Vox, he just stood there. Thinking about what just happened. Vox then snaps out of it and walks to Ike. He made eye contact with Ike for a few seconds.

Now it's his turn to make a move.

Vox then pulled Ike into a passionate kiss, and Ike kissed back. About a minute later, they stopped and tried to catch for breath. Ike whispered something to Vox, and he nodded. Ike then grabbed onto Vox, to keep him steady while they walk. They both went out of the place, and looked for the rest of the boys.

•Luxiem and Noctyx• (Third Person)

"Guys, Ike and Vox are back." Fulgur states as the boys looked up to see them. Uki then walks over to Ike with a wet towel to clean him a little bit. "Thank you, Uki." Ike says with a smile. Uki nods and smiles back. He then looks at Vox and smirked. Vox knew what Uki was about to do so he rolled his eyes. "Anyways, Ike do you want to see your mom?" Uki asks. "Yeah.. It's been a while since I have seen them." Ike replies with a smile. "Okay. Lets go, we'll be faster with my car." Luca states as he holds up his car keys.
956 WORDS!

Hey guys! I'm back! Did you miss me? I know I have been chatting with you guys just to help. Also, check out my new book! But anyways, I hoped you liked this part! See you in the next!

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