power of love

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One day later, Scourge , Manic, Sonia , and Sonic are on a mission inside one of Robotnicks many factories until an alarm was tripped. The entire factory starts shaking as distant explosions can be heard, a giant piece of ceiling falls, trapping Sonia behind the rubble leaving the three hedgehogs panicking.

Scourge without thinking twice, grabs a metal beam and starts to lift it off of Sonia, once the beam is lifted Scourge notices that the metal beam had started to buckle and break under the weight.

He looks over to Manic and Sonic and shouts "Get her out of here!!!" As he uses all of his strength to keep the beam from crushing Sonia. Manic and Sonic grab Sonia and rush her out of the factory as Scourge holds the beam with all of his might. After a few moments the beam finally gives and Scourge falls to the ground, exhausted from the effort.

Manic and Sonic rush over to help him up, but its too late Scourge is already out of breath and the beam falls on top of him trapping him underneath. Sonic and Manic try to lift the beam, but its too heavy for them. Just then, a group of robots come in to investigate the disturbance and start to move towards the three of them.

Manic and Sonic quickly realize that they wont be able to fight them off and protect Scourge at the same time. Sonic looks at Manic and says "You take care of him, I'll take care of the robots." Manic nods and runs over to Scourge, grabbing him in his arms and carrying him away from the factory.

As Manic and Scourge escape, Sonic stays behind to fight off the robots. Manic is amazed at Sonic's bravery and selflessness and realizes that even though he and Scourge have their differences, Sonic still cares deeply for both of them.

Manic and Scourge eventually make it back to safety and as they catch their breath, Manic looks into Scourge's eyes and says, "I'm so glad you're okay. I was so scared I'd lost you."

Scourge smiles and replies, "I know. I'm glad you trusted me enough to come back for me. That takes a lot of courage. "Manic smiles and says, "Its not just courage, its love."

Manic leans into scourge, but gets interrupted by an irritated grunt from Sonic "We nearly lost Sonia because of you two and your little lovefest! "Both Manic and Scourge look guilty, but Sonic quickly forgives them and says, "Just don't let it happen again, okay?"

Both Manic and Scourge nod in agreement and then Sonic gives them a small smile and says, "But I'm glad you two are okay. I was worried about you Manic, but for you Scourge, I was more worried than usual. "Scourge looks surprised and then Sonic continues, "I know you would do anything to protect Manic and I'm starting to trust that you will."

Manic and Scourge look at each other in awe and then Manic says, "Thanks Sonic. I'm glad you trust us enough to let us be together. "Sonic laughs and says, "Well, I'm not sure I trust you two together, but I trust you both enough to give it a try."

Manic and Scourge laugh and then hug each other tightly, grateful for the love and trust they share. And they know that no matter what happens, they can always rely on each other.

Trusting love, A Dimension Shifting Tail(Manic x Scourge) (Manourge)Where stories live. Discover now