Cheer Camp Cup

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"Welcome back to Seabrook, where belonging is everything." Zed narrated. The cameras zoomed into a town with a big Hollywood-like sign saying 'seabrook', then over to a bus stop where humans and zombies both waited for the bus.

"We're a strong, united and tight-knit community." Addison explained. The screen now showed a zombie and a human getting pushed on swings at the park. "And that's a good thing 'cause it wasn't always this way" a sign read 'zombietown all are welcome' with a man and a zombie shaking hands underneath. "There was a time when we had to protect ourselves." A child and a zombie both played on a roundabout. "Legend has it that when the first settlers came to Seabrook, they found wild beasts with sharp claws lurking in the forest" The cameras show a group of travellers around a campfire. Then the travellers with flaming torches trying to scare away the beasts.

"Which sparked an epic battle. Seabrook settlers bravely fought off the monstrous attack" Zed exclaimed. The Seabrook settlers fought against the mysterious beats. Using spears to attack with. The monsters fled into the dark forest. "And discovered a powerful energy source." A bright purple rock shone in front of astonished faces. "Realising they discovered a precious resource, they safeguarded it from the beasts." Men hauled on the rope which lifted the glowing stone out of the ground.

"They weren't going to let anyone steal their treasure. So they hid it" Addison stated. A man closed a door, hiding the stone from sight. "And the town prospered and grew rich by harnessing the precious energy source." The cameras rose from underground to show a red ribbon being cut by a man in a blue suit and a matching top hat. Surrounding the man a crowd of women in pink or blue Edwardian-style dresses. "Seabrook benefited greatly as it grew strong, happy and unified." The cameras showed the same building but hundreds of years later, with a sign saying 'Seabrook power'. A different man cut a ribbon. This time surrounded by modern houses and people in either pink and blue suits or pink and blue shirt and jeans. On both sides of the man 2 cheerleaders held Pom-poms.

"The beasts were a distant memory" Zed stated

"Seabrook forgot monsters could be real." Addison added. The screen showed a street as the street lights were turned off.

"Until clearly, they were. A little lime soda mixed with a dash of industrial strength Seabrook energy..." Zed responded. A distressed man tried to catch a bottle of lime soda before it spilt on a control panel. "And BOOM!" A massive, green explosion blew across the screen. People were thrown back by the force. "Zombies were created." A group of zombies rose from the floor, growling and snarling.


"In a lot of ways, Seabrook's moved on since then. But it's hard to bury your past" Zed narrated. 2 people were playing with swimming noodles (I don't know what they are called)  pretending that they were swords. 

Suddenly a hand burst through the sand closely followed by a head of curly green hair. A roar escaped from the green-haired zombie as he broke out his sand imprisonment.

A group of kids, including the zombies little sister Zoey, screamed as the zombie got fully out of the sand and chased them trying to catch them. 

"Hey, I'm Zed. And yup, still a zombie." Zed the zombie said, picking up his little sister after all the other kids had gone. "For zombies in Seabrook, things are changing. Everyday is better that the last" Zed looked at Zoey and ran whilst carrying her.

 The cameras switched and showed the two zombies walking to zombietown. "Seabrook is getting rid of all of its old anti-monster laws, so now zombietown is  open to everyone." Zed explained.

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