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Y/n = your name

3rd Person Pov

"The centre of zombie and Werewolf culture is in rubble, and I still don't have a pack." Addison explained, the slightly-burning, Seabrook Power rubble behind her.


At Seabrook high

"Attention, everyone. This is your new president, Bucky reminding you that the Prawn is tomorrow night." Bucky announced on a PA.

"As you know, with the anti-monster laws still in place, this is a human only event." Principal Lee continued.

Bree and Bonzo looked at each other, the same sad look on their face. They both talked in Zombie tongue.


Y/n pov

The stars filled the night sky. It would be a perfect night if it wasn't for the fact that our pack is getting more sick by the second.

I came back into the main part of the den with 12 more blankets to give to sick members of the pack. William, Wanda and Owen following with 2 blankets each. I wandered over to Winnie, who was curled up in a corner asleep, and carefully draped a blanket over her.

"You guys don't have to help. You know." I told Wanda, Owen and William.

"Yeah." William said, handing someone a blanket

"We know" Wanda said

"But we want to help." Owen stated, from under the pile of blankets he was carrying.

"Wow, you guys." Wynter said, her jaw open, as she walked over to us.

"This is amazing." Wyatt continued, taking some of the blankets from me

"Thanks for the help" Willa finished, ruffling Owens hair as she took a blanket from him. Owen jokingly swatted her hands away

William and Wanda laughed before dragging Owen away and handing out more blankets.

"Here." I said, handing Wynter a blanket. She turned and gave it to someone else.

I heavily sighed and wiped my forehead with the back of my hand as I placed the blankets on a ledge.

"Hey. Don't tire yourself out." Wyatt half smiled causing me to smile back at him.

"Yeah. Yeah." I sarcastically said.

Willa, Wynter and Wyatt took some more blankets and went around the den, handing them out to sick members.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as Zed walked in. He stopped when he saw a werewolf start coughing but soon continued.

I nudged Wyatt, who had finished handing a member a bowl of soup, in the ribs and slightly jerked my head in the direction of Zed.

We walked over to Willa and then turned to Zed.

"There were wrong to destroy Seabrook Power." Zed said, coming closer. We turned to each other.

"And I was wrong about werewolves."

"No shit, Sherlock." I muttered, making sure the pups or elders couldn't hear.

Little Moon (Wyatt and Willa's sister: a zombies 2 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now