Familiar faces

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The next day came and Y/N was up early in the morning he quietly got out of bed trying not to not disturb his sleeping girlfriends and had a shower and some breakfast. While he ate his father sat at the table with him drinking some coffee and reading the newspaper.

Eggman: Hmmmmm......what? "Hawaii blown up islands wiped off the map" Y/N did you blow up Hawaii by any chance?

Y/N: It was a last-ditch attempt to beat Sonia.

Eggman: Did it work?

Y/N: Nope they got away at the last moment we were this close to greatness we were this close. (sigh) I can't think of any more plans right now I'm out of ideas to defeat Sonia so I might take a day off.

Eggman: Son if you've not got much better to do then maybe you could go to the ark's scrapyard? It's full of old robots from the past that failed to beat that hedgehog if you'd like you could fix them up or even take their parts and make a new robot altogether.

Y/N: Hmmmm yeah that could be something I could do for today after I'm done eating my toast I'll see what's in the scrap yard and see what I could find.

After fueling up Y/N took a transport to the scrapyard the place was on the other side of the ark so it took a while for the ship to arrive. Once there Y/N walked around the area tredding past the lifeless bodies of robots which spread across the entire scrap yard. Every now and then Y/N would walk past the remains of one of his father's mechs. From the death egg robot from the death egg long ago to the more recent machines like the egg dragoon and the nega-wisp armour when eggman tried to capture the wisps and use them in an attempt to defeat sonia. Y/N went around the place taking any broken down mechs that got his interest and by the end of the trip he had returned to his ship with 4 broken down robots. The first was a identical copy of silver sonic the same mech that Sonia and Shada destroyed the day before but Y/N learnt from his mistakes so when he gets back he's going to fit some upgrades to this robot to make sure it can stand against sonia unlike its predecessor. The second was another male robotic version of sonia that seemed more advance than silver sonic it even had the blue skin colour that Sonia had. Although the mecha sonic had taken a serious beating Y/N knew he could get it working again. The last two well.........Y/N couldn't understand why he chose the last two but he had that gut feeling that fixing them up would be worth the effort. It was two off eggmans badnicks that seemed to have been here for god knows how many years. One was a humanoid chicken with its beak and eyes missing and the other was a droid with broken drills for hands and had tank tracks that had rusted away. It took a good effort from Y/N to carry the four machines back to the ship but with a bit of elbow grease he eventually got them on the ship and flew back to base. He carried them to his workshop where his battle droids were waiting for orders.

Y/N: Alright everyone help me get these four on the table we've got some tinkering to do.

Battle droid: Roger Roger.

Battle droid: Roger Roger.


In the ark control room Eggman was busy checking the ark's systems making sure everything was in check and sage was busy looking at a tablet that was promoting a new carnival that had just opened in metropolis. Sage has never been to earth before she has lived in the ark her entire life now she had developed a desire to go down to earth and see its wonders. Y/N's girlfriends barged in looking for Y/N no doubt and neo-Sonia walked up to Eggman.

Neo-Sonia: Have you seen Y/N?!

Eggman: Yes I did earlier this morning he's gone to the ark scrapyard and should be back in a few hours.

Infinetta: The scrapyard? Why has he gone there?

Eggman: He hasn't got any plans to defeat our nemesis and went to the scrapyard to find some old robots of mine and fix them up.

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