A dark heart can change

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(so after checking the comments I've decided to change fem shadows name to shade it has a nice ring to it not gonna lie. Oh and yes female mephiles will be in the harem so enjoy having the ultimate gamer girl as your lover.)

Y/N looked at the unconscious mephiles who had started to groan and twitch in the last 10 minutes. Y/N knew she could wake up at any time so he stayed neared the cube that entrapped her while silver sonic and mecha sonic guarded him.

Silver sonic: I've scanned the intruder and I've been unable to identify her species.

Y/N: What? But she looks identical to sonia and her species how is she not one of sonia's kind?

Mecha sonic: We do not have much information on her. We couldn't find anything not her species her family or place of birth she's an enigma.

Y/N: Then that could only mean she's not from earth but from another world in space where Intellgent life exists. (That concerns me even more who does she work for and what kind of a threat could we be facing?)

Mephiles groaned as she held her head and stood up she immediately knew of the position she was in she faced Y/N and his two guardians. Mecha sonic cracked his knuckles while silver sonic held his arms together still jealous that he didn't get in on the fight turns out its quite difficult for silver sonic to walk through doors due to his height.

Y/N: Ahhhh our guest has awoken I see? Your head doesn't hurt too much does it?

Mephiles: Why no it doesn't it's just a migraine that I've got courtesy of your guardian.

Mecha Sonic: Your lucky Y/N told me to keep you alive otherwise you would've received much worse.

Y/N: Easy mecha sonic there's no need for intimidation at least not yet. Now mephiles I've got a few questions that I would like you to answer the first being.......where did you come from and just what are you?

Mephiles: Curious about my origins I see? Well I am not a local of this planet I come from a world far from here. I was created by my master to act out his orders which I've done flawlessly for so long.

Y/N: So your a creation that was made by a being from outer space?

Mephiles: Yes I am.

Y/N: Interesting now another question. Who is your master and what does he want with the chaos emeralds?

Mephiles: Now that I'm afraid is information I will refuse to share I will not let you jeopardise his goal.

Y/N: I see.

Silver sonic: Shall we begin to interrogate her with brute force?

Y/N: No no we wont need to use such excessive force I've gotten a more peaceful means of obtaining information. Well mephiles I have just one more question before I leave you in your cell.......what do you think about the human race?

Mephiles: Your kind? Well apart from you who I would happily keep as my pet the rest of humanity is a disease in my master's eyes. They are nothing but mindless brutes who kill each other for personal gain and start wars for men to fight for causes that they don't understand or believe in. Humans are nothing but warmongers who will be erased from this galaxy like the many worlds before them.

Y/N: Your master told you this but have you seen that side of humanity yet?

Mephiles: What?

Y/N: Why yes some people on earth are truly despicable some are even beyond redemption for the heinous acts they've committed. But not all humans are like that what about the children and of their parents who dedicate years of their lives to make sure their child is ready for adulthood? What about the doctors who operate for hours on end in a bid to save the lives of the sick? What about the policemen who fight crime and keep the peace in the cities around the world? Humanity is not as barbaric as you think because consider it for a moment if I was this bloodthirsty mindless killer I wouldn't have ordered my droids to capture you I would've just ordered them to kill you but I didn't. What you were told about humanity is false your ears can be deceived but not your eyes they can only see the truth. I'm willing to give you a chance to see what humans are really like I want you to see the truth about out race yes we can be cruel yes we can be wicked but we can also show compassion and love. Give me a chance to show you that everything you was told is a lie mephiles.........let me open your eyes.

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