3.8 Good Criminal Bad Cop 🔞

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Happy ending does exist.

Jungkook sleeping soundly next to Seokjin, hugging a pillow under the thick blanket. Seokjin raise his hand, touching the red bruises on his face. He clenched his fist in anger. Carefully he got up from the bed, not wanting to awake his lover.

He grab his phone, dialling number 2 on speed dials.

"Send our men to the police station. Those 'trash' should be clean before dawn."


It was silence for a while. Seokjin take a deep breath. "... Take care of the gang. Taehyung , get rid of him. I'm sure you know what to do to punish the dog who bit it's owner."

"Yes sir."



"Do it discreetly. Nobody should know that I am behind this, especially Jungkook."

Seokjin put the phone on the bedside table, put on a white bathrobe, open the glass door to the balcony. He lit up the lighter, burning the cigarette.

A few minutes passed. He glance inside the room, checking his boyfriend. Jungkook is still sleeping but his body has turned to the other direction, not facing at him anymore. The pillow fell off the bed, the messy blanket showing of his ripped upper body.

Seokjin enter the room, closing the glass door, preventing from cold breeze to enter their room and making Jungkook uncomfortable to sleep.  He went to the mini bar, pouring wine into the glass.

Jungkook awake from his deep sleep when the cold breeze from the air conditioner touches his skin. He pull the blanket to continue sleep but notice Seokjin is not in the bed anymore. He look around searching for Seokjin and there he see the tall guy standing by the mini bar of the big room.

He got up from the bed and walk towards the guy.


For the first time he addressed him with that name. Seokjin freeze, or perhaps overjoy that's making him unable to response to the younger.

Jungkook giggles, step closer, giving him a back hug.

"Why did you leave me alone?" He asked, face buried in Seokjin's back.

Seokjin tapping his hands that wraped around his waist.

"I will never do that again. I'm sorry."

"Quit saying that. You have to prove yourself. Man up your words."

Seokjin smiles. "Hmm.. What should I do then?"

"I don't know. Maybe take responsibility of me?"

Seokjin chuckles. He loosen Jungkook's grip, turning over to face the policeman.

"Damn, baby you're naked." He was surprised to see Jungkook standing without even a thread on his skin.

Jungkook grins mischievously but then turning red, embarrassing when he notice Seokjin is checking on him from head to toes.

".. Stop looking at me.. Like that.." he cover his private part with his right hand and using his left hand to cover Seokjin's eyes.

Seokjin catch his hand and kissing the palm. He bend, whispering. "I've seen enough of you that I know all of your moles baby. You have a total of 17 of them, including two at your thickkkk ass." He said, grabbing Jungkook's cheek butt, making the younger whimpers like a baby.

"Uhmm.." Jungkook close his eyes, bit his lips, getting turn on with Seokjin's naughty touches.

Seokjin bury his face in his neck, making more hickies on his skin. Earlier when they have sex, he already imprinted lots of marks on Jungkook's body to over write the touches of those morons but now it doesn't seems enough to prove that Jungkook is belongs to him. And so he make more marks on his bare skin.

"You're hard again.. Ggukkie.." he said, teasing the latter.

Jungkook didn't answer, he smiles, loving the new names given by Seokjin. He hug him, sniffing his sweet perfume.

"Quit your job. Let's move far from here.."

Jungkook open his eyes. "Will you take care of me if I quit?" He asked.

"I am more than afford to take care of 10 Jeon Jungkook."

"You want 10 of me?"

"No way... I can barely handle even one. He's always horny. I might die young if there are 10 of you baby. My stamina isn't endless like yours."

"You mean you're just old."

Seokjin laugh.

"Hmm.. Give me some times to think about that, will you?"

"Anything for you babe.."

Seokjin was going to steal his kisses when Jungkook suddenly put his index finger on his lips.

"What? Why?"

"I have a question."

Seokjin tilted his head, pouty lips. Pulling Jungkook close to him until there's no more spaces between their hips. Jungkook is literally poking him from above the bathrobe.

"Did you really enjoy having sex with Taehyung?"

'Fuck, he's totally jealous. So fucking cute!'

Seokjin scream internally. He cough, clearing his throat.

"Are you jealous?"

"I should be. You are my boyfriend."

His face turned red, blushing.

"Haa baby.. As much as I like you being jealous but I don't favour to keep lying to you."

The younger's eyebrows wrinkles. Doesn't understand with what he just say.

"I never had sex with him."

"What? Then that day you told me—"

"I just want to see your reaction. Unfortunately you wasn't jealous. I was a bit upset that day."

"You liar..!"

"Yes. Now may I kiss my baby cop?"

Jungkook giggles. "Yes please, Mr. Criminal.."


The end.

Title : Good Criminal, Bad Cop
Chapter : 8
Top/bottom ship : Jin/Kook, Kook/Ji, Jin/Tae
Genre : Crimes/Thriller/Mature
Date : 06/04/23 - 15/04/23

I'm sorry the ending kinda rush but here's the explanation. Seokjin is actually the big boss of the mafia gang and he control everyone behind the 'shadow' to make sure his record is clean. Taehyung is a 'leader' without knowing he's actually just a puppet. He act recklessly thinking the gang is belong to him. Seokjin disposing him in the end because he's not useful to him anymore. Y/N was saved by Seokjin n suga long time ago and live with her mother in another country. Her existence is hidden so that seokjin can protect her from bad people.

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