How can you hate me when you know I love you, chapter 7 part 2

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Okay first of all I am so so so so so so sorry for the wait! I just got out of a breakup so I'm hoping you guys will forgive me and is the next chapter.


Chapter 7 part 2:Shattered

I woke up feeling trapped. I opened my eyes to see James on top of me. I sighed as I waited for him to wake up. Because there was no way I could get out from under him....but I gotta say I'm not complaining about this position. A little around 15 minuets later James opened his eyes. A couple seconds later James realized the position we were in.

 ''I gotta say I like waking up like this'' James said with a smirk.

 ''Pervert'' I said with a laugh. James put his head in the crook of my neck.

''We've gotta go to school'' I whispered.

 ''No I'd much rather spend my day in this bed...with you'' James said with a wink.

'' Your so perverted'' I said with a sigh. James laughed while putting a slight peck to my neck making me shiver.

 ''Hey love birds get your lazy butts out of the bed'' Cameron said as he walked into the room. Cameron and Daniel saw how we were laying and started laughing. Cameron and Daniel started teasing us relentlessly. Finally James kicked them out so we could get ready. I took my change of clothes into the bathroom. 15 minuets later I was ready to rock and roll.

*Right before the last class of the day*

I was walking to my last class. I was about to go to into the classroom when I heard moaning from the janitors closet to my left. I opened the door out of curiosity and froze. There was James in a full out make out session with the school's famous slut Andrea. I could feel the tears coming down my face already.

''Lizzy I swear it's not what it looks like''James said. I came up to him and slapped him in the face. I turned to Andrea and slammed her into the lockers....she just smirked at me. I started punching her repeatedly in the face. Wiped that stupid smirk right off that stupid face.

 ''Hey stop that right now''the teacher yelled. But unfortunately before the teacher got to me someone put his arms around me and pulled me back. The arms held me captivated to were I couldn't move. I turned around to see Henry. I crushed myself to him and started to cry my eyes out.

 ''Ssh'' Henry whispered.

'' Get me out of here Henry''I whispered.

''I'm afraid you will have to go to the office'' a teacher said. I nodded as Henry guided me to the office.

* 45 minuets later*

I was suspended for a week. Like I care.....Andrea deserved every punch she got. Henry guided me to his car. Once we were both in his car and he was driving to his house Henry asked

 '' what happened back there Lizzybear?'' I cried as I explained everything to him.

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