Shitty Nerd!

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Bakugou's POV:

I look at Izuku wince as the nurse clean and heal his wound. When the nurse was done, she bowed to Izuku and I before rushing away, She knows the look on my face. I wasn't even scowling, My face was just relaxed. Izuku noticed me staring at him and looked away. I exhaled and watched as he flinched slightly.

Izuku: Careful... this hurts.... No need to look at me like that.

I sat on the chair in front of him and leaned forward, looking at his face, staring into his eyes.

Izuku: Why are you looking at me like that without saying anything...... look it was not my fault she attacked me alright!

I still didn't say anything. I picked up the glass of water the nurse left and drank it, Izuku whined, saying it was his but didn't make a move to take it away.

Me: Izuku, do you know how I feel right now?

Izuku: Let me guess... anxious, scared, angry but also relieved at the same time?

I exhaled and watched the smoke leave my lips. Izuku wiped something from my cheek before going back to the bed,

Me: Izuku, I'm not feeling anything... I think, when it comes to you and your life, my feelings don't matter, just yours. I, need to take a breather. I'll call Shitty hair to take you to your room... Dunce face will take my place for a while.

Izuku: Don't do anything stupid Kacchan!

I got up and sat next to him, I ignored the tears I know was running down my face.

Me: That's why I'm gonna leave for a few weeks, so I don't do anything stupid. I will murder her, if I stay in the castle any longer. I love you Izuku, I really do. I would burn this whole kingdom if you asked me to, but I need a break.

Izuku had tears running down his face now, I opened my arms and he hugged my tight, I had taken off my armour so he didn't hurt himself when he did. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his forehead.

Izuku: Seriously Kacchan. Don't do something stupid and make sure to come back to me.

Me: I promise baby, I'll be back. It'll be like I'm right here. The idiot brigade will keep you company.

Some other knights who I would consider nuisances were the only ones who knew I'm with Izuku and they were happy for me so they would cover for me in a heart beat, especially with that princess here, none of the other staff likes her either.

Izuku:Where are you even going?

Me: I'm going to visit my mom and dad. Spend a few weeks with them... We can send letters but I can't stay in this castle any longer.

Izuku snuggled closer and tightened his hold on me.

Izuku: You sure you can't stay with me? I hate to deal with them without my emotional support dragon.

I laughed, the tears finally running down my face. I tried to get up but Izuku wrapped his legs around my waist. I somehow managed to stand and carried him around like one would a toddler.

Me: You can torture dunce, he's an emotional support idiot. But I need to go Izuku...

The stubborn thing bit my cheek and then kissed when he bit.

Me: Was that necessary?

Izuku: Yes absolutely.

I kissed him again and placed him down. He tried to stay close to me but I held his face in my hand, keeping his eyes on me. I could see the panic, the anxiousness. He was practically begging me to stay.

Izuku: Don't forget me!

Me: I'm committing your face to memory, My beautiful stubborn flower.

Izuku: Since when can you use such words huh?

Me: I'm leaving at dawn tomorrow, if you're free we can spend the rest of the day together. But you have to talk to that bitch's brother...

Izuku's eyes widened and then he looked around.

Me: Your mom said you can do it tomorrow if you want. But I don't want you dealing with them without me here.

Izuku: Nah it's fine. You.

I sighed and kissed him again.

Me: No Izuku, I need a break from all this, as much as I would love to stay here, I won't stay sane any longer.

I moved away from Izuku and held out my hand.

Me: Let's deal with it now and spend the rest of the day together.

He nodded and took my hand, kissing it. After I put back on my armour, we exited the hospital wing together, Shitty hair smiled and punched me lightly.

Shitty hair: Don't be sad Zu! We'll keep you company!

Izuku gave him a confused stare and Kiri pointed at my arm, he hasn't let go of it. Izuku let go but didn't move from my side. We walked to the throne room in silence. When we got there, Kirishima opened the door and we entered.

Inko: Ahh, Katsuki-kun. I see my son is feeling better?

I nodded and Izuku moved closer, if that were possible.

Inko: You can come closer my dears, Katsuki, stay close to Izuku, I don't trust this... Thing with him after this morning.

I nodded wordlessly and brought Izuku next to his mother, he stood halfway behind me as the door opened and the 'princess' was brought in.

The whole conversation is there

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