IV. Discovery

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I finish writing in my journal and get up from my bed. As I head towards the door, I hear a faint growling sound coming from outside. Should I investigate? My curiosity gets the better of me, and I quietly open the door to take a peek.

As soon as I open the door, I see a group of rogues standing in the hallway. They appear to be arguing among themselves, and I can hear snippets of their conversation.

One of the rogues turns and spots me. He grins maliciously and starts to approach me, but I stand my ground and face him bravely.

"What do you want?" I demand, trying to keep my voice steady.

The rogue laughs. "We just wanted to welcome you to the arena, little wolf. And to give you a warning - watch your back. There are some dangerous characters around here."

With that, the rogue turns and disappears down the hallway, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I wander around the halls, taking in the scenery around me. The walls were lined with tapestries and paintings, depicting scenes of fierce battles and brave warriors, more likely criminals who survived the Arena, it was just a masquerade to give us hope of victory, a play to entertain themselves.

As I explore the place, I can't shake off the eerie feeling that something is off. The air around me feels heavy, and I can't help but feel like I'm being watched. Despite this, I continue on, drawn by the mystery of the place. As I walk through the dark hallways, a shiver runs down my spine, and I start to wonder if coming here was a mistake.

Finally, I reach a library, and the feeling of unease intensifies. The books look ancient, and the room is filled with a strange energy. I can't help but be drawn to the books, and I run my fingers over the spines, amazed at their age. I can almost feel the knowledge emanating from them.

As I turned a corner, my eyes caught something glinting in the dim light. I approached it slowly, my heart pounding in my chest. When I reached it, I saw that it was a piece of a key but it seemed to be stuck, like it was a part of the wall. I try to pry it out, using all my strength, but it wouldn't budge. "That's weird" I thought. 

It really seemed to be stuck, so instead I try to carefully pry it loose and bingo. The key felt cool to the touch, and as I examined it closely, I noticed intricate designs etched into its surface, it seemed like the piece of a key. My mind raced with questions. 

"What does this key unlock? And why was it hidden here in this library?"

As I pick up the key piece, I examine it closely, turning it over in my hands. "This is incredible," I murmur to myself. "I wonder how old it is, and what secrets it might hold."

My curiosity piqued, I start to look around the area, hoping to find any other clue or hint. And suprise, suprise that's when I notice another strange glint in the corner of the wall, as if something was hidden there aswell.

"Could this be it?" I wonder to myself. "Is this the rest of the key ?" With a mix of excitement and caution, I approach the spot and examine it closely.

"It's definitely a secret compartment," I mutter to myself as I start to dig into the wall with my fingers. "I wonder what's inside."

As I continue to dig, the wall gives way, revealing a small compartment inside. My heart races as I reach inside and pull out a small, leather-bound book.

"Well, it's a little bit disapointing... I was hoping for something more spectacular like maybe a cucumber, not a book in a library, right?" I breathed out a breath of exasperation and just as I start to open the book, I hear footsteps approaching. Oh Oh, okay now that, for sure, is not a good thing.

I quickly hide behind a nearby shelf, and two men enter casually chatting with each other.

And I just can't help it but eavedrop on their conversation, I mean I'm already there so why not?

"I heard there are some new rogues coming to the arena," one of them says.

"Great, just what we need. More troublemakers," the other responds sarcastically.

"I hate these rogues," his voice was filled with venom as he continued. "They're nothing but trouble. They bring nothing but darkness and chaos to this world."

His friend chuckled softly. "Oh come on, lighten up a bit, Ace" his voice was calm and carefree. "Not all of them are bad. Some just don't have any other choice."

Ace scoffed. "You're too naive for your own good, Reed" his tone sharp and cutting. "These rogues are like parasites, feeding off the misery and suffering of others. They deserve nothing but contempt."

Reed shakes his head, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You know, sometimes I think you'd be happier if you just embraced the darkness instead of fighting against it," he said, his voice laced with sarcasm.

Ace glares at him, his eyes filled with cold fury. "Don't even joke about that," he says, his voice low and menacing. "The darkness is a disease, and I will do everything in my power to eradicate it."

His friend simply shrugs. "Suit yourself," he answers, the corners of his lips still turned up in a playful smirk. "But don't say I didn't warn you when you find yourself drowning in it."

I carefully peer through the crack, and my heart skip a beat when I see the two men in the room. One of them had gorgeous ginger hair that flowed down to his neck, and his green eyes had a gentle and welcoming look to them. He seemed kind and approachable. The other man, on the other hand, was his complete opposite. His long, flowing black hair fell in waves around his broad shoulders.

He was standing in that room with confidence, his dark hair was slicked back in a way that accentuated his chiseled jawline and piercing gaze. His sharp jawline was perfectly sculpted, and his deep-set eyes were a mesmerizing shade of green that seemed to pierce right through me. As he took a book in hand, I noticed the subtle flex of his muscular arms, hinting at a strength and power that made my heart skip a beat.

I found myself drawn to that man though I can't explain why. My wolf stirs within me, urging me to get closer, to learn more about him. But as I listen in on their conversation, my heart sinks at the disdainful way the man speaks of the rogues.

"He's so arrogant," I think to myself, my disappointment palpable. I can't help but feel hurt by his words, even though I know I shouldn't take them personally, I mean he is a stranger.

I believe the two men are part of the Higher Ones, they have very distinctive clothing. I know for a fact that they are the ones who rule over the court, Alphas that are feared and respected in equal measure, but what are they doing in here ?

As she crouches behind a bookshelve, her heart racing, she realizes that she is in fact in a very dangerous situation. If Kayla gets caught, she could be punished severely.

"I don't think we are allowed in here" she whispers to herself.

And just as she leans in to listen more closely, she accidentally drops a small object she was holding. The sound of it hitting the ground echoes loudly in the quiet room.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Fuck.

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