II. Judgement Day

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She took her luggage in her hand and strolled to where her flight was supposed to take off, two guards were following her in case she decided to flee, but the girl knew better than that.

"I didn't do it, I swear." I kept repeating myself over and over again but I knew damn too well that no matter how much time I said it no one would believe me.

If anything I regret going down the stairs that morning, she was the one that tried to poison the Alpha and his wife and because I caught her on the scene she accused me of her own crimes, she knew she had too much to risk being the beta's female.

I quickened my pace as I spot the plane I was supposed to get on, I want to get away from this pack but thinking back on the words of my Alpha well soon to be ex-Alpha, I will be rogue and that was the last thing I wanted to be.

"We can't follow you more than this." One of the guards said as we reached the side of the plane.
And he talked ! Sense the sarcasm in my words.

"Good luck Kayla, I hope you live." The second guard said almost pitiful, it was like they knew I was innocent but couldn't say anything.

I mentally rolled my eyes. "Thanks.." I grumbled under my breath, the stairway of the plane was watching me, nagging me, almost daring that I take the first step that would set my pack free from this "criminal" so I did it.

I took my first step on the plane and that's when I felt it, the most inhuman pain I've ever felt as if I was skinning myself alive, my wolf who up til now was silent cried out a huge monstrous howl.

I kept going but every step I took was a painful separation between me and the link I had with my pack--all I could hear was pain, an excruciating pain eating me up from the inside and finishing me clean from the outside.
When I said death was better I wasn't joking but hey I guess I'm the clown.

At this point my limbs were screaming at me and my heart was telling me to numb all the pain but I just couldn't I wanted revenge, I wanted my innocence proven and I wanted them to feel what I felt no matter what.

Once I was up the stairs even with my aching muscles I felt free, free from all their fake pity, lies and prying eyes but for how long ? I just hope the flight will be long enough for me to prepare myself mentally.

I got in the plane and sat down near the closest porthole, in the aircraft there were 4 other guards who were unfamiliar to me.

"Please buckle up your belts, the airplane will depart in a few moments."
I buckle up and scoot closer to watch the calm view before the storm as I doze off to Neverland.

"Wak-... Wake-... Wake up!" I groan as I hear something faintly then I bolt up from the sudden pain I feel in my left arm.
"Ouch!" I open my eyes to the sight of a man snickering to my side. Just my luck.

"Get up! The plane has already landed and we need to get going."

"I'm up." I said grumbling, I think the plane arrived at ...

"Where are we?" I ask uncertain, we walked towards a black SUV and the men present with me roughly trowed me inside.
"You'll see." they said while putting a blind fold on my eyes.

Kayla felt the car moving, the sound of the engine roaring in her ears. She had no idea where they were taking her, but she knew it couldn't be good. She was still blindfolded and her hands were bound, so she couldn't even try to escape.

After what felt like hours, the car finally stopped. Kayla was pulled out of the car and led into a building. She heard the sound of metal doors opening and closing, and she was pushed into a room.

"Take off the blindfold," a voice commanded.

I slowly lifted the blindfold off my eyes, blinking as my eyes adjusted to the bright lights. I was in a courtroom, and I realized that my trial was about to begin.

I looked around the room, and saw that the jury box was filled with members of my pack. They all stared at me with cold, accusing eyes. I felt a lump forming in my throat, and I tried to swallow it down.

The judge entered the courtroom, and everyone stood up as he took his seat at the bench. "Please be seated," he said.

The prosecutor stood up and began to present his case. He recounted the events that had led up to my arrest, painting me as a traitor who had attempted to assassinate the Alpha and his wife.

I listened in disbelief as the prosecutor told the jury that I had been caught in the act, holding the poison that had been intended for the Alpha and his wife. I wanted to protest, to tell them that it was all a lie, but I knew it wouldn't make any difference.

The prosecutor finished his opening statement, and my defense attorney stood up to present my case. He argued that I had been falsely accused, and that the evidence against me was circumstantial at best.

But the jury didn't seem convinced. They looked at me with suspicion, and I knew that they had already made up their minds.

The trial went on for hours, with witness after witness taking the stand to testify against me. I tried to defend myself, to explain what had really happened, but no one would listen.

Finally, the jury retired to deliberate. I sat in my chair, feeling numb. I knew that I was innocent, but I also knew that the odds were against me.

After what felt like an eternity, the jury returned to the courtroom. I stood up, my heart pounding in my chest, as the foreman read out the verdict.

"We find the defendant, Kayla Smith, guilty of the charges of attempted murder and treason."

My legs gave way beneath me, and I collapsed to the ground. I looked up at the jury, tears streaming down my face, and whispered, "I didn't do it. I swear."

But no one listened.

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