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(Well I was obsessed with KinnPorsche both novel and series for like more than two years that no other series had impacted me like this in recent past. However I didn't have a concrete Idea to write down and also was fighting with writer's block since forever. however after Man suang i got pretty disappointed and so i felt i need to write down. Note i am not a thai and my English is not great hence you are warned.

The relationship I used all wont get similar importance. Only Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete and Kim/Chay are my main couple. Others will have some minor reference. even though I used man Suang and DFF tag the story will mainly focus KP with some reference from them.

Now even though the world is same as KP I am taking liberties as the story was unfinished. some part will follow the novel than series. all the mafia leads are toxic and have lack of moral because i think mafias think differently and yet love can change them.

I will probably edit tags and summary after i can continue with the story. but since i have prolonged writers block i am not sure how regularly i can update and yet i had to write. so please forgive me in advance.)

"Come on Po they will pay double."

"You already know my answer P'Man. I won't go even if they write half of their properties to me."

"Why are you being so stubborn Po it's just matter of one night. Or who knows may be you would come to enjoy it. Ask Pen he does it regularly."

"Then send him, why asking me?"

"Because they specially asked for you. Don't You know you are the best one around here."

"If they are so aware of my reputation then they must know how I kick ass just as good especially when people try to force me to do what I don't want. If they still persist they are welcome to try."

"Seriously Po, just last week you turned down a client citing her age. And today you are rejecting this couple's offer. If things go like this you will end up with no client sooner or later."

"I will do whatever it takes till my limbs are in working position but won't compromise with my principles."

"look who is talking about principles. You are not a morality teacher in mid school Po, you are a fucking escort and an awfully peaky one for that matter that's threatening to destroy my years long pimping career to ." The man nearing to 40 screamed in frustration pulling his hair.

"Yes P'Man you are right I am a Gigolo, I provide escort service to rich lonely women for exchange of some baths but still I won't do anything that would leave me unable to face my brother. I won't sleep with a woman with children of my age or serve any man. If that's a problem to your agency find someone else." Saying that I turned on my heels and kick started my bike leaving a cursing P'Man behind. I know he will come back to me again with new clients because I am the best one his agency ever got. But as soon as I took a turn tothe dark alley I need hit the break abruptly as someone had stumbled before my bike. Swearing as I was about to yell I realised the person was being chased by armed some hooligans. Little did I knew the following moments will change my life forever.


" Sid, you fucking whore what did you drug me with?"

"Why Khun? Doesnt it feel great to be high on aphrodisiacs? You would feel like being in heaven in no time.

" Idiot, don't you know in our world we always get prepared for situation like these? I have antidotes running on my system since I was a teen. Drugs like these have no use on me.

"But it will still weaken you for a brief period and that's what only matters"

And that's how it got me here, kidnapped by those Italians successfully honeytrapped me using that pretty whore to lure me. That bastard had no idea though that I don't need any drug to make sure he won't be able to walk for a week. But he was right the drug did impact my strength and hence I got beaten until I made an escape through that dark alley only to almost collide with someone's bike. It was such a bad day today but not to worry I would make sure each of those bastards will pay the price for messing with me.

The Mafia's Sugar Baby:  KinnPorsche Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now