Kinn's Backstory

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I am Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun. 26 years old second son of Thailand's most powerful Mafia family who had more people after his life than an average person meets in their entire life. But you can't really complain when you have had your first kill right after you hit your puberty. Well that's the parks of Mafia life. Power and danger dance here hand in hand. Money flies and so does the worth of human life. That's the definition of normal for us. A danger free mundane family life is an allien concept for us and only luxury we can't afford. It's not that I am complaining though. I lead the life average people can only dream of. Everything I desire would be on my fingertrip the moment word is uttered because everything has a price. So there is no place for silly human emotions in this world that's what Pa, my father Korn Theerapanyakun taught me.

     My mother would have disagreed though. But I have not seen Somphon since I was only 5 when pa divorced ma. I still don't know the reason behind the divorce as I learnt not to question Pa. As heir of the family I have certain responsibilities and obligations. Moreover I can't disobey my father who had entrusted the business to me. Our workers, partners and bodyguards are dependent on me how can I ignore them? And why should I? Raising three sons alone despite running business was not a childs’ play. Yet pa didn't let either of us feel mother’s absence or at least he tried his best to. I am greatful for what he has given to me and I can't think of disappointing him. I might not be a good person but I can't afford to fail as a son.

    However I sometimes wonder wheather absence of mother impacted three of us more that what meets the eyes. Tankhun, eldest of us was 7. During that time he was the original heir of our empire. He was the most favourite son of Pa and despite all his antics he still is. I am sure had he been  in charge of our business Pa wouldn't have assigned half of the seemingly impossible tasks that he had given to me. For his closeness to father I can't say if he misses ma but I have seen him avoiding the topic of mother whenever it was brought up which is very out of the character for him while he had seen Somphon more than us. On the other hand Kimhan, the youngest of us had just turned 1 then. I had heard Somphon wanted to take him with her but father didn't let her. Kim never shows his feelings but I feel he wouldn't have turn out as cold, uncaring , sarcastic bustard that he is had Somphon been present in his life. As for me, well my memories about Somphon is foggy at best but what I still remember how she gently used to remove my locks from forehead before kissing softly and how she used to play violin to put me to sleep. Which I still play when I have problem sleeping which is pretty often. I am told by both Brother Chan, head bodyguard of Pa and sister Erica, head of our ladyguards that I am more like Somphon among all her sons. It's funny how I am not the first choice of either Pa or Ma. And yet I am the one to shoulder Korn’s responsibilities and resemble Somphon in not just her looks. May be that's why father looks disappointed in my smallest mistakes  because he finds Somphon in me. I can't say it doesn't hurt me but well as I said before this is Mafia world and we are not allowed to let human emotions get better of us when I not only have to lead and protect my people but also deal with backstabbing partners and a very problematic uncle Gun Theerapanyakun with equally annoying cousin Vegas. Well it's better not to talk about them to spoil my mood even further.

      Sometimes I feel like we, mafias are some different species altogether, whatever civilians consider crime is the normalcy for us and somehow I do sometimes envy those people having a mundane life. Last time I felt like one was almost 14 years back when I was just 12. Every details of that day was engraved in my memories. It was the time when I didn't yet become the successor and so I had comparatively lesser restrictions on my movements. Theerapanyakun’s had some factories on northern countryside and Pa used to send brother Chan to supervise. During my vacation I was adamant to visit them myself so Pa allowed me to accompany brother Chan. It was a beautiful hilly region near Chiang Mai. The lush greeneries of forested mountain, the serenity of picturesque village almost convinced me that I was just a regular child spending vacation. During the first decade of millennium northern Thailand were not yet flooded by foreign tourists so the countryside still retained their maiden beauty. There was an ancient temple from Lanna period near our factory. By that time a village fare was going on in temple ground. Ofcourse I was not allowed to visit for security concerns. But I was adamant. By that time I was starting  to learn driving and so I sneaked away with the car when P’ Chan was busy in work and our bodyguards were not looking. As I drove few metres away from my farmhouse I took a wrong turn due to my inexperience and seeing a bycycle coming towards me I crashed the break in panic. The car stopped before it could hit the bycycle and I was unharmed luckily but the car was scratched. As I got down the bycycle rider had already started yelling at me. I was relieved to notice it was a little boy even few years younger than me. The boy was shocked to see me as he clearly expected an uncle as driver.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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